Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Catia Maria Annunziata PETTA
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

1. Signals, systems, transforms

1.1. Characteristics and classification of signals. Signal operations. Convolution. Correlation. Modulation. Basic and derivate signals.

1.2. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients.

1.3. Steinmetz transform.

1.4. Laplace transform. Applications to fundamental signals and derivatives. Operations on signals with the transform. Inverse. Resolution of differential equations with the transform. Poles and zeros. Development of rational functions in partial functions. Stable and unstable systems.

1.5. Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series. Representations of Bode and Nyquist.

1.6. Fourier Integral.

1.7. Fourier transform. Convolution Fourier transform. Parseval theorem. Autocorrelation function and Wiener-Kintchine theorem. From the spectrum of an impulsive signal to that of the periodic one. Spectrum of a modulated amplitude signal.

1.8. Sampled data systems. Ideal instant sampling. Ideal sampling with maintenance.


2. Circuit elements and electrical networks

2.1. Ideal and real electrical components. Active and passive bipoles. Current and voltage sources. Independent and controlled power supplies. Connections between bipoles. Double Bipoles.

2.2. Electric networks. Theorem of Thevenin, Miller, Millmann. Graphs. Kirchhoff's laws. Resolution of the electrical networks with the method of knots and meshes.

2.3. Connections between double bipoles and bipoles. Network functions. Power. Impedance adaptation.

2.4. Connection between two bipoles.

3. Signal transmission in linear systems

3.1. Impulsive response of a linear system. Convolution and deconvolution. Transmission function.

3.2. Bode and Nyquist diagrams of transmission functions. Real and complex poles and zeros.

3.3. Study of systems with a pole.


4. Components for the electronic design: sensors, led, motors, microcontrollers.


5. Development of simple projects with breadboard.

Textbook Information

Alexander, Sadiku – Circuiti elettrici – Mc Graw Hill

Mason, Zimmermann – Electronic circuits, signals, and systems - Wiley