Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Sebastiano Francesco ALBERGO
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Detailed Course Content
- Basic concepts
- Il concetto di particella e i suoi numeri quantic
- particles and quantum numbers
- Fermions and bosons. Particles and antiparticles
- Yukawa Forces
- Relativistic Kinematics
- Natural units
- Quark model and colors
- Mesons and barions
- Barion number, Isospin, Strangenes, Charmnes, Bottomnes, Topnes
- colors;
- asintotic freedom and confinement
- hadron jets
- vacuum polarization
- J/Psi discovery
- Charmonium and bottonium
- Deep Inelastic Scattering e-e and e-p, Form factors, Structure function
- weak interactions
- beta decay
- pion muon and kaon decay
- parity violation
- electroweak unification
- Gargamelle experiments and neutral currents
- UA1 e UA2 experiments - W and Z discovery
Textbook Information
- Particle Physics, B.R. Martin, G. Shaw, John Wiley and Son
- D.H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Addison-Wesley