History of Physics and EPISTEMOLOGY

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ALESSANDRO PLUCHINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide the student with the basic elements to evaluate the historical and epistemological path of the Physics discipline and the methods used in scientific investigation with particular reference to the developments of the twentieth century.

Knowledge and understanding.

Mastery of the scientific method, and understanding of the nature and procedures of research in Physics.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

Ability to identify the essential elements of a scientific work distinguishing between empiricism and rationalism. Critical skills in historically determined approaches also in reference to the conceptual change from classical (Newtonian) physics to relativist and quantum mechanics.

Making judgments

Ability to argue on the interpretations of some fundamental physical phenomena in modern physics (Michelson and Morley experiment, quantization, etc.)

Communication skills.

Ability to communicate in Italian and English in the advanced sectors of the history of Physics.

Learning skills.

Ability to acquire adequate cognitive tools for the continuous updating of knowledge and to access specialized literature in the field of the history of physics

Course Structure

The teaching will be carried out through lectures, also with the aid of slides and audio-visual tools. A critical reading of some selected scienti fi c passages relating to the program carried out may be added. 

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Some invited lectures will be delivered by Prof. Francesco Brancato, professor of Anthropology and Epistemology at Studio Teologico S.Paolo of Catania.

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of the essential elements of the scientific method based on the process of measuring a physical quantity.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance to the course is usually mandatory (consult the Academic Regulations of the Course of Studies)

Detailed Course Content

1. Notion of physics of the Presocratics

2. Democritus from Abdera and atomism

3. From Archimedes to Leonardo: traces of pre-Galilean science

4. Galileo: the birth of modern science

5. The trial of Galileo: a historical quarrel between philosophy, theology and science

6. Newton: alchemy, universal gravitation, mechanism and determinism

7. Blaise Pascal, Pavel Florenskij, Georges Lemaitre beyond reductionism for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research

8. Maxwell: the concept of field

9. Boltzmann: from thermodynamics to statistical mechanics

10. Poincarè: from the problem of the three bodies to the birth of the theory of chaos

11. Einstein: crisis of classical mechanics and relativity

12. Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg: birth and development of quantum mechanics

13. Fermi: from via Panisperna to the Manhattan project

14. Majorana: the strange story of a misunderstood genius

15. Ethics of scientific work: the case of physics.

16. The Void: an enigma between physics and metaphysics

17. Bohm: realistic interpretations of quantum mechanics

18. Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend: the epistemology of the natural sciences between general issues and recent theories of knowledge; understanding of the structures and general criteria of scientificity

19. From chaos to complexity: fractals, synchronization, self-organized criticality, complex networks and generalized statistical mechanics

20. Artificial Intelligence: challenges for ethics and anthropological perspectives

21. The "Goldilocks" enigma: because we live in a universe favorable to life

Textbook Information

General essays:

E.Bellone, "Storia della Fisica", Utet, 1990

L.Russo, "La rivoluzione dimenticata. Il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna", Universale Economica Feltrinelli 2013

R.Maiocchi, "Storia della scienza in Occidente", La Nuova Italia, 2000

J.L.Heilbron, "Alle origini della fisica moderna", Il Mulino, 1984 

P.Rossi, "La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa", Laterza, 1997

G.Gismondi, "Critica ed etica nella ricerca scientifica", Marietti, Torino 1978 

J.Jacobelli, "Scienza ed etica. Quali limiti?", Laterza Bari 1990

J.Ladyman, "Filosofia della scienza. Un'introduzione", Carocci editore, 2014  

Further readings:

T.S.Kuhn, "La rivoluzione copernicana", Einaudi, 2000

A.Pais, "Sottile è il Signore...", Bollati Boringhieri, 1986

W.Heinsenberg, "Fisica e filosofia", Mondadori, 1998

M.Planck, "La conoscenza del mondo fisico", Bollati Boringhieri, 1988.

C.Tarsitani, "Il dilemma onda-corpuscolo da Maxwell a Planck ed Einstein", Loescher, 1983

D.Bohm, B.J.Hiley, "The undivided: an ontological interpretation of quantum theory", London Routledge, 1993

J.Gleick, "Caos. La nascita di una nuova scienza", Rizzoli, 2018 

D.Schwartz, "Enrico Fermi. L'ultimo uomo che sapeva tutto", Ed.Solferino 2020 

E.Recami, "Il caso Majorana: lettere, testimonianze, documenti", Di Renzo, 1987 

A.Pluchino, "La firma della complessità. Una passeggiata al margine del caos", Malcor D'Edizione, 2015

M.Consoli, A.Pluchino, "Il vuoto. Un enigma tra fisica e metafisica", Aracne Ed., 2015

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Notion of physics of the PresocraticsLucio Russo, "La rivoluzione dimenticata. Il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna" Universale Economica Feltrinelli 2013
2Democritus from Abdera and atomismLucio Russo, "La rivoluzione dimenticata. Il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna" Universale Economica Feltrinelli 2013
3From Archimedes to Leonardo: traces of pre-Galilean scienceLucio Russo, "La rivoluzione dimenticata. Il pensiero scientifico greco e la scienza moderna" Universale Economica Feltrinelli 2013
4Galileo: the birth of modern scienceE.Bellone, "Storia della Fisica", Utet, 1990
5The trial of Galileo: a historical quarrel between philosophy, theology and scienceS. Pagano – A Luciani, I documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei, Collectanea Archivi Vaticani 21, Città del Vaticano 1984; V. Frajese, Il processo a Galileo Galilei. Il falso e la sua prova, Morcelliana, Brescia 2021; M. Artigas Sanchez de Toca Melchor, Galileo e il Vaticano. Storia della Pontificia Commissione di Studio sul Caso Galileo (1981-1992), Marcianum Press, Venezia 2009.
6Newton: alchemy, universal gravitation, mechanism and determinismE.Bellone, "Storia della Fisica", Utet, 1990
7Blaise Pascal, Pavel Florenskij, Georges Lemaitre beyond reductionism for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researchG. Nicolis – I. Prigogine, La complessità. Esplorazioni nei nuovi campi della scienza, Einaudi, Torino 1991; M.V. Romeo, Introduzione a Blaise Pascal, Opere complete, Bompiani, Milano 2020, a cura di M.V. Romeo, pp. XI-XXVI; Nota introduttiva generale agli Scritti di fisica (pp. 549-589); L. Zak, Il “realismo” come visione del mondo: introduzione al concetto di complessità sviluppato da P.A. Florenskij, in Lateranum, LXXXIII (2017) 3, 513-534; Id., La complessità del reale e la sua conoscenza. Spunti di riflessione sull’allargamento della ragione proposta da P.A. Florenskij, in Divus Thomas 119 (2016) 137.171; G.E. Lemaitre, L’ipotesi dell’atomo primitivo. Saggio di cosmogonia, Fondazione Musio Storico Trentino, Trento 2019.
8Maxwell: the concept of fieldJ.L.Heilbron, "Alle origini della fisica moderna", Il Mulino, 1984; P.Rossi, "La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa", Laterza, 1997
9Boltzmann: from thermodynamics to statistical mechanicsE.Bellone, "Storia della Fisica", Utet, 1990
10Poincarè: from the problem of the three bodies to the birth of the theory of chaosPoincaré, "La matematica come strumento universale",  a cura di Claudio Bartocci, Ed.Corriere della Sera, 2016
11Einstein: crisis of classical mechanics and relativityE.Bellone, "Storia della Fisica", Utet, 1990; A.Pais, "Sottile è il Signore...", Bollati Boringhieri, 1986
12Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg: birth and development of quantum mechanicsJ.L.Heilbron, "Alle origini della fisica moderna", Il Mulino, 1984; P.Rossi, "La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa", Laterza, 1997
13Fermi: from via Panisperna to the Manhattan projectD.Schwartz, "Enrico Fermi. L'ultimo uomo che sapeva tutto", Ed.Solferino 2020 
14Majorana: the strange story of a misunderstood geniusE.Recami, "Il caso Majorana: lettere, testimonianze, documenti", Di Renzo, 1987 
15Ethics of scientific work: the case of physics.P. Greco (cur.), Fisica per la pace. Tra scienza e impegno civile, Carocci editore, Roma 2019; G. Gismondi, Critica ed etica nella ricerca scientifica, Marietti, Torino 1978; J.Jacobelli, Scienza e etica. Quali limiti?, Laterza, Bari 1990.
16The Void: an enigma between physics and metaphysicsM.Consoli, A.Pluchino, "Il vuoto. Un enigma tra fisica e metafisica", Aracne Ed., 2015
17Bohm: realistic interpretations of quantum mechanicsD.Bohm, B.J.Hiley, "The undivided: an ontological interpretation of quantum theory", London Routledge, 1993
18Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend: the epistemology of the natural sciences between general issues and recent theories of knowledge; understanding of the structures and general criteria of scientificityI.Licata, "Osservando la Sfinge. La realtà virtuale della meccanica quantistica", Di Renzo Ed. 2003
19From chaos to complexity: fractals, synchronization, self-organized criticality, complex networks and generalized statistical mechanicsJ.Gleick, "Caos. La nascita di una nuova scienza", Rizzoli, 2018 
20Artificial Intelligence: challenges for ethics and anthropological perspectivesL. Floridi, Etica dell’intelligenza artificiale. Sviluppi, opportunità, sfide, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2022; N. Bostrom, Superintelligenza. Tendenze, pericoli, strategie, Bollati Boringhieri,Torino 2018; F. Fossa – V. Schiaffonati – G. Tamburrini, Automi e persone: introduzione all’etica dell’intelligenza artificiale e della robotica, Carocci editore, Roma 2021.
21The "Goldilocks" enigma: because we live in a universe favorable to lifeP.Davies, "Una fortuna cosmica", Mondadori 2007; J.Barrow, "I numeri dell'universo", Mondadori 2004

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Verification of learning is given to a final oral exam and, as a rule, to the drafting of an in-depth essay on one of the topics covered. Through questions relating to qualifying points of the various parts of the program, we tend to ascertain the overall level of knowledge acquired by the candidate, his ability to critically approach the topics studied and to correlate the various parts of the program. Students will be able to begin the exam with the presentation of a topic of their choice, typically the one discussed in the essay, then they will proceed with further questions on the rest of the program. It aims at evaluating the ability to understand historical relationships and mastering the ideas introduced.

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions below are not an exhaustive list but are just a few examples:

The origins of classical determinism: Italic school and Ionic school in the pre-Socratic period

Galileo's hypotheses

Paradoxes of the second law of thermodynamics

Crisis of classical mechanics and origin of relativity

Need for quantization

Difference between chaos and complexity

Necessity of reductionism in physics

Role of scientific paradigms