Christmas greetings

On Wednesday December 19, 2018 at 12:00 noon in Aula Magna we shall exchange the traditional Christmas greetings. The Directors of all the research institutions (Sezione INFN, LNS, INAF, CNR e CSFNSM) operating within the DFA will also be present. During the event, the 2018 Giordano and Raciti Awards will be given to their respective winners. After the event, we shall have a toast together. Later in the afternoon, at 16:00, together with the colleagues of the Departments of Chemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science we shall receive the visit of the Magnificent Rector for the greetings on behalf of the University. We shall meet him in the Aula Magna of the DFA. We are all invited to participate.
Wednesday, 19 December, 2018