First Summer School on the Physics of the Electron-Ion Collider

The first European Summer School on the Physics of the Electron-Ion Collider will be hosted by University of Calabria (Italy) June 18-22, 2023 at Corigliano-Rossano. The school is jointly organized by INFN, University of Calabria, University of Catania and University of Salerno and the Data Center ReCaS-Bari, and will explore topics common to both nuclear and particle physics.
The school will feature lectures and tutorials on theoretical and experimental topics related to the physics of the EIC. The school is ideally suited for master students close to the graduation and PhD student in nuclear and particle physics. The school is also very well suited for postdocs moving to Electron-Ion Collider physics from other fields.
Sunday, 18 June, 2023 to Thursday, 22 June, 2023