Introduction to nonadditive entropies and nonextensive statistical mechanics
Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 October 2017 10-12 h - Aula A
Introduction to nonadditive entropies and nonextensive statistical mechanics
Prof. Constantino Tsallis
Department of Theoretical Physics of Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas,
National Institute of Science and Technology for Complex Systems of Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Santa Fe Institute for Complex Systems, USA
Complexity Science Hub Vienna
Like beauty, complexity is hard to define but relatively easy to identify. Statistical mechanics, through the use of nonadditive entropies, offers a rich path for discussing what complexity may be and how to quantify it. An introduction to the central concepts will be provided, as well as recent applications and verifications in several branches of knowledge, such as biology, medicine, economics, networks, granular matter, high energy physics (LHC/CERN).
A quite complete bibliography is available at
See also