PhD thesis defense (PhD in Physics and PhD in Material Science and Nanotechnology, Cycle XXXI)

On January 24th, 2019, starting at 9:00, at the #DFA, the following candidates will defend their PhD theses in Physics (Cycle XXXI):
- Dott. Giada Petringa (9:00)
- Dott. Jessica Ilaria Bellone (10:00)
- Dott. Michele Cascio (11:00)
- Dott. Grazia D'Agostino (12:00)
- Dott. Manuele E. M. Gangi (15:00)
- Dott. Kunal Garg (16:00)
- Dott. Nunzia Simona Martorana (17:00)
On the same date at 9:00, in Aula F at #DFA, the following candidates will defend their PhD theses in Science of Materials and Nanotechnologies (Ciclo XXXI):
- Dott. Valentina Lombardo (Highly conductive polymer films with tunable optical properties obtained by in solution-doping of PEDOT:PSS)
- Dott. Giacomo Torrisi (Transparent Conductors based on Ag Nanolayer embedded in Semiconductor Oxides)
- Dott. Alice Sciortino (The Fundamental Photophysics of Fluorescent Carbon Nanodots)
Thursday, 24 January, 2019