Amsterdam-Catania Joint Workshop on Nanophotonics

Recent results and new perspectives in nanophotonics, photovoltaics, and nanotechnology from the groups of AMOLF, led by Professor A. Polman in Amsterdam, and of the #DFA, led by Professor F. Priolo in Catania, will be presented and brought together in this one-day workshop, which will be concluded by a Science Colloquium on Light management and the dream of photovoltaic energy for 0.01 €/kWh by Albert Polman. The workshop will also feature a presentation by Professor Giulia Tagliabue (EPFL).
Workshop program
9:15 Francesco Priolo (DFA Director): Welcome
Vittorio Privitera (CNR-IMM, Unit of Catania at DFA, Director): Welcome
Presentations (15 min. each):
Andrea Cordaro (AMOLF): Computing metasurfaces performing mathematical operations
Maria Josè Lo Faro (UniCT): Silicon Nanowires: the route from synthesis towards applications
Maria Miritello (CNR-IMM): Rare-earth based materials for Silicon photonics and lighting
Magda Solà Garcia (AMOLF): Pump-probe cathodoluminescence spectroscopy on diamond NV centers
Francesco Ruffino (UniCT): Laser-based fabrication of metal and metal-oxide nanostructures
10:45 Break (30 minutes)
Salvo Lombardo (CNR-IMM): CNR-IMM activity with Enel Green Power: bifacial PV modules and solar fuels
Tom Veeken (AMOLF): Light management of quantum dot emission
Antonio Terrasi (UniCT): Nanostructures for Energy and Sensing
Sabrina Carroccio (CNR-IMM): Adsorptive and reactive hybrid polymeric systems for water remediation
Giulia Tagliabue (EPFL): Plasmonic Hot Holes: Fundamentals and Devices
13:00 Break
15:30 A. Polman (AMOLF): Light management and the dream of photovoltaic energy for 0.01 €/kWh