9th International Geant4 School

The 9th International Geant4 School will take place in Catania, at LNS-INFN, during October 5-9, 2020.
- G.A Pablo Cirrone
- Giacomo Cuttone
- Luciano Pandola
- Giada Petringa
- Gaetano Agnello
- Basic overview on the main aspects of the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit
- Lectures on the Geant4 code complemented by hands-on practical sessions
- Basic course on C++
A maximum of 50 participants will be admitted. Up to 15 Master Students will be admitted for free. The INFN-LNS guest-house will available for a limited number of participant.
The school is recognised by the PhD Course in Physics and the MSc Course in Physics of the Department of Physics and Astronomy “Ettore Majorana”, University of Catania, for
- 3 CFU for PhD students
- 2 CFU for Master Degree Students
Monday, 5 October, 2020 to Friday, 9 October, 2020