Disability and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)
The University of Catania promotes a new culture of inclusion and active participation of students with temporary or permanent disabilities and/or specific learning disorders (SLD) through the Centro per l’Integrazione Attiva e Partecipata (CInAP).
- Inbound orientation
- Advice on sector regulations
- Support during the entrance tests
- Individualized Training Plans
- Study and attendance support services (didactic and specialist tutoring, psychological counseling, transport, Italian Sign Language interpreting, etc.)
- Orientation of graduates for job placement, through targeted placement (L.68/99)
The collaboration between CInAP and the Department Referents of the University of Catania gave rise to the Guidelines for the Right of Study for Students with Disability and/or SLD (italian language), a tool for reflection and dialogue in order to disseminate good practices and create equal opportunity conditions, in full compliance with current legislation.
Delegate for Disability and SLD of the Department
Prof.ssa Catia Maria Annunziata Petta
Availability for individual interviews with students and professors of the Department on every Wednesday, 4.30 pm (https://meet.google.com/non-tapo-yhn), preferably by appointment (mailto: catia.petta@dfa.unict.it)
CInAP contact persons at the Department
Technical Contact - Mr Alfredo La Rocca
Communication to report the presence of candidates with disabilities and/or SLD
Pursuant to Laws 104/1992, 17/1999 and 170/2010, the University of Catania guarantees equal opportunities to candidates with disabilities and/or SLD (specific learning disorders) who need suitable compensatory measures (e.g. extended exam duration, calculator, enlarger, personal hygiene assistant, tutors unrelated to the content of the test, communication assistants, etc.). These measures are provided on the basis of specific requests accompanied by relative medical certifications, as a guarantee for all candidates present. The specialist staff of CInAP - Center for Active and Participatory Integration of our University will be present for the entire duration of the test.