Detectors for astroparticle physics in space: synergies with accelerator technologies
Prof. Oscar Adriani (UniFI, INFN-FI)
Data e ora:
Martedì, 5 Dicembre, 2023 - 14:45
Sala Conferenze
In the last decade a huge technological effort has been done to develop new detectors and new electronics for accelerator-based experiments, mainly (but not only) at LHC.
In this talk I will review some possible applications of these technologies for future space experiments, to have the possibility of a significant step forward in their expected physics performances.
L'evento è organizzato in collaborazione con la Sezione di Catania dell'INFN.
(Image credits: Cassiopeia A supernova, (c) NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration, CXC/SAO/JPL-Caltech/Steward/O. Krause et al., and NRAO/AUI ; Simulation of a particle collision in which a Higgs boson is produced (Image: Lucas Taylor/CMS) (c) CERN)
Main scientific activity:
1988-1995: L3 experiment and L3 microvertex detector;
1995-2005: R&D on silicon detectors and PAMELA experiment for the precise antiparticle spectra measurement in the cosmic rays;
2005-2023: LHCf experiment at LHC for the very forward neutral pion and photon energy spectra measurement at LHC;
2016-2023: R&D on homogeneous calorimeters for space experiments (CaloCube), to optimize the HERD experiment on board of the Chinese Space Station.
Management responsabilities:
2010-2015: Deputy Director of the Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Florence;
2013-2015: Director of Undergraduate Degree in Physics and Astrophysics and Master of Science Degree in Physics and Astrophysics, University of Florence;
2015-2023: Director of the Florence Section of INFN.