Recent advances in the observation of High Energy Cosmic Rays

Ivan De Mitri
Data e ora:
Mercoledì, 3 Maggio, 2023 - 15:00
Sala Conferenze
The study of High Energy (HE) and Ultra-High Energy (UHE) cosmic rays is currently being driven by new and very interesting data from both space-borne and ground-based experiments. After a historical introduction, the seminar will be devoted to a review of recent observations of electrons/positrons, protons/antiprotons, and nuclei, starting from a few GeV up to the highest energies. New techniques and mission concepts will also be briefly discussed.

Ivan De Mitri's scientific activity focused since the beginning on experimental Astroparticle and Neutrino Physics. He studied high energy cosmic rays with several underground, ground-based and space-based experiments. Since February 2018 his full professor at GSSI, where he is currently leading the group for the experimental study of the cosmic radiation through several projects including AUGER, DAMPE, HERD and NUSES.