Data Analysis: A New Way to Think about the World

Nei giorni 16/10/2024 e 23/10/2024, presso l'Aula B del DFA, con inizio alle ore 15:00, su invito della Prof.ssa Iara Tosta e Melo, il Professor Cassius de Melo (University of Alfenas. Brazil) terrà un ciclo di seminari dal titolo Data Analysis: A New Way to Think about the World.
Tutte le persone interessate (in particolare Studentesse e Studenti dei corsi di laurea triennale in Fisica e magistrale in Physics) sono invitate a partecipare.
Abstract: In these lectures, we will introduce the basic theory of Data Analysis and also we will show how statistical techniques can change the way we understand the world. We will have a crash course on the theory and also apply these ideas using Python. In particular, we will give an introduction to two Machine Learning methods: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and we will apply them to learn more about breast cancer and Pokemons.