Isotopic abundances in presola grains

Giorno 31 ottobre 2024, con inizio alle ore 15:30, presso la Sala Conferenze del DFA, la Prof.ssa Sara Palmerini (Università di Perugia) terrà un seminario dal titolo Isotopic abundances in presola grains: benchmarks and challenges for models and measurements in Nuclear Astrophysics.
Modera il Dott. Andrea Spina (Dottorando in Fisica, 39° ciclo).
Il seminario appartiene al ciclo degli Highlights in Frontier Physics, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato di ricerca in Fisica.
Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
Abstract. The presolar grains are essentially stardust samples, which, by mass spectroscopy measurements, allow us to precisely determine the isotopic composition of the stars in which they form. The isotopic abundances so recorded provide strong constraints for studies of stellar nucleosynthesis. Recent results on the interpretation of the composition of presolar grains of AGB origin will be presented, with special attention to the abundances of elements heavier than iron, produced by rapid and slow neutron capture processes. Examples will be shown of how updates in stellar physics and/or in nuclear physics can contribute to solve the discrepancies between theoretical predictions and observations.
Bio. Sara Palmerini is an associate professor at the University of Perugia. Since her PhD, she has been working in nuclear astrophysics, focusing her studies on the nucleosynthesis of low-mass stars, with particular attention to nuclear physics aspects and the effects that new experimental data have on stellar model predictions.