Joint Innovative Outer-Space Muography

The agreement aims at developing an innovative cooperative framework that enables to share advanced, cutting-edge muographic research infrastructure and resources between The University of Tokyo, Japan (UT), The University of Atacama, Chile (UA), The University of Catania, Italy (UniCT), and The Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary (Wigner) to accelerate open innovation in the field of space exploration.
Detailed aims include expanding the Japan-Hungary joint muography laboratory, NEWCUT at UT, establishing the Japan-Chile-Italy-Hungary joint muography laboratory at UA, Wigner and UC. Technological components generated at each laboratory will be shared by all of the members affiliated to the aforementioned laboratories. UT and UC will jointly develop a compact muography detector whose durability will be tested by the researchers at UA. Wigner will perform volcano muography in terms of extraterrestrial analogue. The generated shock-resist compact detectors will not be only a strong international core competence in the field of space industry, but also will provide a flexible solution to other non-destructive evaluation and testing industry.