Low-Energy Quantum Electrodynamics

Giorno 12 luglio 2024, con inizio alle ore 10:00, presso l'Aula A del DFA, su invito del Prof. Salvo Mirabella, il Prof. Paulo Roberto Bueno (São Paulo State University, Brazil) terrà un seminario dal titolo: Low-Energy Quantum Electrodynamics. From Determination of Electronic Structures of Low-Dimensional Materials to Respiration Processes.
Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
Abstract. This lecture introduces relativistic quantum mechanical principles and low-energy quantum electrodynamics phenomenon and shows how to use these principles to measure the electronic structure of low dimensional materials, e.g. graphene and quantum dots, implying the development of better room-temperature spectroscopic methods and electroanalytical devices for molecular diagnostics and binding affinity technologies for drug discovery. The principles not only permit the use of the in-situ determination of the electronic structure of low-dimensional materials as the transducer signal but also elucidate the long-range electron transport as a key aspect of biological respiration processes.
Bio. Professor Paulo R. Bueno has a B.Sc. degree in Materials Science and Engineering, an M.B.A. degree, and a Ph.D. in theoretical Physical Chemistry. Nowadays, his main academic interest focuses on applications of electric and electrochemical spectroscopic methods, aiming to gain an in-depth understanding of the physical and chemical fundamentals of electron transfer and energy storage at the nanoscale. He has authored more than 210 papers (~ 10,000 citations), holds six licensed patents, and is co-founder of Osler Diagnostics (https://www.oslerdiagnostics.com/), a spin-off company from the University of Oxford, U.K. Professor Bueno was endorsed as an exceptional talent in Physical Chemistry by the Royal Society and U.K. government. He was a Research Fellow Director of the Royal Society (2015-2018) and he is currently a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and an invited member of the American Chemical Society. Professor Bueno is also a member of other scientific societies, among them the Electrochemical Society, the International Society of Electrochemistry, and the Materials Research Society. He is an advisory board member of ACS Sensors and Analytical Chemistry and an editorial member of the e-Science Journal of Elsevier, Frontier in Sensors of Frontiers, and Scientific Reports of Nature Group.