New Ways to Probe Generalized Electrodynamics

Giorno 8/10/2024, con inizio alle ore 17:00, presso l'Aula T del DFA, su invito della Prof.ssa Iara Tosta e Melo, il Professor Cassius de Melo (University of Alfenas. Brazil) terrà un seminario dal titolo New Ways to Probe Generalized Electrodynamics.
Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
Abstract: In 1940's Bopp and Podolsky independently proposed a generalization of Maxwell electrodynamics in order to solve the problem of infinities in self energy. In this seminar, we will present this generalized electrodynamic theory, its main characteristics, and show how we can use different experiments in order to constrain its parameters.
Martedì, 8 Ottobre, 2024