Quark-Model Baryon-Baryon Interaction and Its Applications to Nuclear Many-Body Systems

aryon-baryon (BB) interactions are most fundamental in nuclear physics. However, the reproduction of all the three-nucleon (3N) scattering data is beyond away even in calculations including 3N forces. We also have a lot of ambiguity about hyperon-hyperon (YY) interaction since there is no scattering data. The purpose of this talk is to discuss properties of the realistic quark-model (QM) BB interaction by investigating their applications to nuclear many-body systems. QM BB interactions have two interesting features. One is the nucleon-nucleon (NN) short-range repulsion described by the nonlocal quark-exchange kernel, which gives quite different off-shell properties from standard meson-exchange potentials. The other is the Pauli principle on the quark level, which makes the $\Sigma$ single-particle potential repulsive. In this talk, the following topics will be mainly discussed:

a) Three-baryon systems (3H,3\Lambda {H}$ and three-nucleon scattering)
b) Energy-independent nonlocal Gaussian potential
c) Applications to G-matrix calculations.

The Faddeev formalism for three-cluster systems has been developed, and we have investigated few-baryon systems and three-nucleon scattering to examine the off-shell effect using the QM BB interaction, which was developed by Kyoto-Niigata group. I will show that the QM $NN$ interaction reproduce the experimental data on the triton binding energy and the neutron-deuteron doublet S-wave phase shift well, although of course not completely. As a next step, the second important topic to discuss is neutron stars.  I will review their $G$-matrix calculations in nuclear matter and finite nuclei, and would like to discuss future prospects.
Organised by F. Burgio

Mercoledì, 20 Marzo, 2013