Strangeness in compact stars

We study the strangeness in compact stars, and the effects on the astrophysical phenomena. First, we talk about the quark-hadron mixed phase with the finite-size effects in compact stars. In the calculations of the mixed phase, the Gibbs conditions require the pressure balance and chemical equilibrium between two phases besides the thermal equilibrium. We find that the region of the mixed phase is limited due to thermal instability. Moreover, we study the effects of neutrinos to the pasta structures. As a result, we find that the existence of neutrinos make the pasta structures unstable, too. These characteristic features of the quark-hadron mixed phase should be important for the evolutions of compact stars stars. We also show the roles of strangeness in compact stars as second topic; the strangeness is a critical quantity for the gravitational wave, the distributions of magnetic filed, and the cooling light curves for compact stars.
Organised by Marcello Baldo

Giovedì, 23 Settembre, 2010