Supernova frontier: beyond standard stellar demises

Giorno 9 aprile 2025, con inizio alle ore 15:00, presso la Sala Conferenze del DFA, il Dr Cosimo Inserra (Cardiff University, UK; Alumnus DFA) terrà un seminario dal titolo Supernova frontier: beyond standard stellar demises.

Modera il Dott. Roberto De Angelis (Dottorando in Fisica, 40° ciclo).

Il seminario appartiene al ciclo degli Highlights in Frontier Physics, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato di ricerca in Fisica.

Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.

Abstract. The last decade has opened up a new parameter space in time-domain astronomy with the discovery of extragalactic transients defying our understanding of how stars explode. The collected dataset and the understanding of such events have surpassed any initial expectations and opened up a future exploding with potential, spanning from novel tools of high-redshift cosmological investigation to new insights into the final stages of massive stars. Join me in this seminar as we embark on a retrospective journey, exploring the unforeseen dimensions of these cosmic phenomena. Be ready for a sneak peek into the cosmic theatre, where the stage is set for the next decade's astronomical wonders.

Bio. Dr Inserra is the current Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) at the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering at Cardiff University. Inserra's research focuses on extragalactic transients such as stellar explosions. Due to his multidisciplinary skills, he has been selected as an STFC AI Champion and elected as an executive member for the UK node of the international £450M Vera Rubin Observatory project. He is also the principal investigator of an £8M in-kind astronomical project (ePESSO+) and was honoured with the 2021 MERAC Award for the best early career researcher in astronomy in Europe.

Mercoledì, 9 Aprile, 2025