Tunability and characterization of the Markov to non-Markov cross-over in a qubit-impurity systems

Martedì 22 ottobre 2024, con inizio alle ore 15:00, presso l'Aula T del DFA, il Dott. Giuseppe Chiatto terrà un seminario dal titolo Tunability and characterization of the Markov to non-Markov cross-over in a qubit-impurity systems.

Il seminario appartiene al ciclo Young Physicists to Young Physicists (YP2), organizzato dai Rappresentati del Dottorato in Fisica.

Abstract. The behavior of many dissipative systems is generally described by a non-Markovian dynamics. Memory effects associated to non-Markovianity may lead to revival of coherence and entanglement and may be exploited as resources for quantum computation. In this work, we study a toy model system of a qubit coupled to an incoherent impurity which has been shown to exhibit a transition from a Markovian regime to a non-Markovian dynamics, depending on tunable parameters of the system. We investigate this behavior by quantifying the non-Markovianity and by studying the frequency spectrum of the qubit coherence. We study the phase diagram in several regimes and show that the transition is tuned by the qubit-impurity interaction strength and by the temperature of the impurity. Our work aims at introducing spectroscopic witnesses that are easy to measure and are able to quantify the non-Markovianity of a system.

Martedì, 22 Ottobre, 2024