Tuning biomembrane and amyloid fibril (elastic) properties via ionic liquids
Giorno 18 gennaio 2024, con inizio alle ore 11:45, presso la Sala Conferenze del DFA, su invito del Prof. Salvatore Mirabella, il Prof. Antonio Benedetto (Università di Roma 3 & UCD, Ireland) terrà un seminario dal titolo Tuning biomembrane and amyloid fibril (elastic) properties via ionic liquids: Setting the stage for applications in bio-nano-technology.
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Bio. Antonio Benedetto is an experimental physicist and biophysicist. In 2011, he received the PhD in Physics from Messina University (Italy) defending a thesis on protein dynamics carried out at the Institute Laue-Langevin (France). He was then in Sydney (as Endeavour fellow in the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, formally the Bragg Institute), Dublin (as Marie-Curie fellow in UCD School of Physics), Zürich (as Marie-Curie fellow in the Paul Scherrer Institute), Dublin (as SIRG fellow in UCD School of Physics), and Rome (as Rita-Levi Montalcini fellow in URoma3 Science Department). Since 2021, he is Associate Professor in Experimental Physics & Biophysics and Head of the NanoBioPhysics Laboratory (UCD & URoma3). The main focus of Benedetto’s research is on the interaction of ionic liquids with lipid bilayers and live cells, which he investigate by means of neutron scattering, atomic force microscopy, computer simulations and a number of other approaches.