Ciclo di seminari del Prof. Francesco Vissani (GSSI)
Seminario territoriale per il rinnovamento del curricolo del liceo classico
Mostra sulla diagnostica umanistica e tecnologico-scientifica per lo svelamento del falso nell'arte
"Let's eradicate poverty by cutting edge research and rubbing off SILO approach in Science, No to Competition Yes to Collaboration"
#NobelDay 2019: il Nobel per la Fisica raccontato agli Studenti
A five-days, hands-on course on GEANT4: Belgrade, Nov 7-22, 2019
Silicon Carbide (SiC) presents a high breakdown field (2-4 MV/cm) and a high-energy band gap (2.3–3.2 eV), largely higher than silicon and for these reasons is the ideal material for high power devices.
Seminario del Dr Shima Asnafi (IPM, Tehran, Iran)
“You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.” —Tom Brokaw
Una giornata dedicata al radon ed alla radioattività ambientale celebra l'anniversario della nascita di Marie Curie