Filippo Ruberto

Hi everyone, I'm Filippo Ruberto. I'm a Theoretical Physics student in the MSc programme in Physics at DFA, Catania, and I’m an Erasmus outgoing student in the winter and summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in Würzburg, Germany.
I’ve chosen to have this experience at the end of my studies in order to work on my MSc thesis and follow a couple of support courses.
I planned my Erasmus about a year earlier but sadly it overlapped with the pandemic. I was scared at first but then I said to myself: "Let's try, this will kick your brain anyway. So, cross fingers and go on!"
I’ll probably extend my stay here and I am sure that in the future I’ll remember this experience with a huge smile.