Irslan Ullah Ashraf

Hello everyone! My name is Irslan Ullah Ashraf, a PhD student in Physics (curriculum Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics) from Pakistan. I am working in the Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Technology (CMQT) group, led by Prof. Giuseppe Falci, under the supervision of Prof. Elisabetta Paladino and Prof. Antonino La Magna. While growing up in a developing country Pakistan, I always felt something missing with my theoretical knowledge of Physics, and I wished to have an opportunity of studying in a Quality Environment. Working at the University of Catania (UNICT) is an honor. In every meeting with my supervisors, I feel like making my time precious and having golden guidance with fine-tuning of my previous knowledge. While coming to Catania, I skipped a “PhD in Chemistry” position at UNSW Australia. Now I feel blessed with my decision.
Coming to Catania and studying at UNICT is like a dream coming true. I find myself in a very competitive environment in my field, where I found the opportunity of studying nature at the micro and macro level while staying very close to nature. Since Catania is a very natural place and I am a nature lover. Every time I go out, in the front I see the beautiful and mighty Etna (the largest active volcano in Europe), and in the back, I find a magnificent ocean and satisfying beach. The DFA library terrace in the library of the Department of Physics and Astronomy is a marvelous place in the world to study. You can find any book to review from the library and the best natural scenery. Because every time you get tired you look in front and see the mighty blue ocean with a line of beaches and you can feel the sea very close with every wind current. It refreshes my mind and soul. I can spend 24 hours at one chair and study table outside this knowledge hub.
The secondary part of my study is strongly relying on my work in the lab at CNR-IMM, It provides an amazing research environment, where I can find my senior colleagues to discuss and implement the ideas. They offer state-of-the-art computational resources and an amazing office environment as well.
I have to stay here for three years, and I feel the time is passing quickly. I am trying to learn as much as possible from here and capture every moment in Catania. This time of study will remain a golden period in my life and will be a top memory collection.