Silvio Poma

A Long Time Ago in a Country Far Far Away...
Two students had two choose their Erasmus destination. It was not easy! The choice was among Poland, Poland, and Poland.
Despite the odds Poland was the final destination!
What do you know about Poland?
Mmmh it’s in Europe and it is cold!
Exactly, I think that’s all we need!
What do you know about Erasmus?
We will study in a foreign language and we will probability have fun!
We don’t have to study Physics in Polish, isn’t it?
No it will be in English!
Great! what are we waiting for?
Packed a new suitcase with old snow clothes I was ready to go!
The experience I lived was the greatest of my whole life. Nine years later I still think of those days as a magic interlude of my career.
Have you ever had a professor giving you an entire course in his study with a cup of tea with different flavours each time? I did!
Have you ever passed the Christmas Eve in a stranger family masked with costumes of Polish tradition? I did!
Have you ever toasted the new year in the middle of an European capital's square with friends of different nationalities from all over Europe? I did!
Have you ever celebrated an exam passed with so much vodka that the day after you don’t remember what you did in the night? Maybe you did but for me it was the first and the only time :)
In the end, if someone would ask me if I would suggest going Erasmus I will answer: You shouldn’t ask at all and sign the papers!
I will always be grateful with the university for giving to me this opportunity!