Victor San José Arranz

Hi, this is Víctor San José. I studied Physics at Valladolid University. I was an Erasmus student in Catania from September 2016 to July 2017 when I was in my last year's degree. This year was especially meaningful to me. Apart from the great people I met, the new friendships I made, and all of the experiences I lived there. It was the first time I had a chance to speak a language different from my mother tongue. That prompted me to learn more languages and be self-confident in new environments in the following years. The University of Catania is a great institution, they treated me superbly. I enjoyed quite a lot of the lectures in Analytical mechanics and Numerical methods of physics, I found that it was a cool approach. During my stay in Catania, I also had the great opportunity to join a soccer team, hitchhike a couple of weeks through Sicily, see Mount Etna spitting lava. And of course, enjoy Italian food! In short, going there was the best decision I've ever made.
(Also pictured in the photograph is Lenka Dvořáčková, Erasmus student from the Czech Republic at Scienze Politiche.)