Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long range interactions

Giorno 20 dicembre 2019, con inizio alle ore 11:00, presso l'Aula F del DFA, la Dott.ssa Giulia Piccitto (SISSA, Trieste) terrà un seminario dal titolo Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long range interactions.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Il seminario si svolge nell'ambito delle attività del gruppo di Condensed matter and quantum technologies.

Abstract. In this talk I will briefly introduce the problem of the non equilibrium dynamics of closed quantum system. Then I will investigate the effect of short-range correlations on the dynamical phase diagram of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions. Focusing on Ising spin chains with power-law decaying interactions and accounting for short-range correlations by a cluster mean field theory I will show that short-range correlations are responsible for the emergence of a chaotic dynamical region. Analyzing the fine details of the phase diagram, I will show that the resulting chaotic dynamics bears close analogies with that of a tossed coin.

Venerdì, 20 Dicembre, 2019 to Venerdì, 3 Gennaio, 2020