Technology for bioelectronic medicine

Professor George Malliaras (Cambridge University, UK)
Data e ora:
Martedì, 4 Giugno, 2024 - 14:15
Sala Conferenze
Bioelectronic medicine provides a new means of addressing disease via the electrical stimulation of tissues: Deep brain stimulation, for example, has shown exceptional promise in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. To bring these technologies to patients at scale, however, significant challenges remain to be addressed. Key among these is our ability to establish stable and efficient interfaces between electronics and the human body. I will show examples of how this can be achieved using new materials and devices engineered to communicate with the body and evolve with it.

George Malliaras is the Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge. He leads the Bioelectronics Laboratory, an interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers and clinicians who translate advances in electronics to better tools for healthcare. George received a BS from the Aristotle University, Greece, a PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and did a postdoc at the IBM Almaden Research Center, USA. Before joining Cambridge, he was a faculty member at Cornell University in the USA, and at the School of Mines of St. Etienne in France.