Organic and hybrid semiconducting thin films for printed, flexible ionizing radiation detectors

Professoressa Beatrice Fraboni (Università di Bologna, Collegio di Studi Superiori, Bologna)
Data e ora:
Martedì, 7 Maggio, 2024 - 14:45
Sala Conferenze
The demand for large area, low cost and flexible high-energy radiation detection systems for medical imaging and public security, has pushed the research to develop novel detectors combining high sensitivity materials and low-cost fabrication processes. Organic/hybrid semiconducting thin films can be employed as direct ionizing radiation detectors, allowing to exploit their unique functionalities, e.g. printability over large area from solution, onto flexible substrates and tunability of performance and response by appropriate material nano-structuring.

Beatrice Fraboni is Full Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna, where she serves as Director of the Collegio Superiore and President of the Istituto di Studi Superiore. Her experimental research activity covers both organic and inorganic semiconducting materials, with particular focus onto their optoelectronic and charge transport properties. She has coordinated European, Italian and regional projects, is author of over 200 scientific publications. She holds 17 patents and is keenly involved in technology transfer activities.