Can we see the quantum tunneling of electric charges?

Prof. Dr Joachim Ankerhold (Ulm University, Germany)
Data e ora:
Mercoledì, 13 Novembre, 2024 - 14:30
Sala Conferenze
The mathematician Marc Kac once asked “Can one hear the shape of a drum?” In the quantum era of the 21st century I am asking “Can one see the tunneling of electric charges?” It turns out that the answer not only touches deep questions of quantum physics but also combines two previously basically distinct fields, namely, quantum optics and mesoscopic physics - the first dealing with light and atoms in cavities, the second dealing with the flow of charge carriers. I will discuss recent experimental and theoretical developments and prospects.

Joachim Ankerhold is a passionate theoretical physicist whose research covers, often in collaboration with experimental teams, a broad range fields in condensed matter physics and the physics of open quantum systems. He studied physics and philosophy at the University of Bonn, received his PhD from the University of Essen, and habilitated at the University of Freiburg. After his PhD he spent two years as a Humboldt fellow at Columbia University (NYC). A Heisenberg-Professorship allowed him to stay at various places in Europe before he became a Full Professor and Director of the Institute for Complex Quantum Systems at Ulm University. Currently, he serves also as Vice President Research and as the academic spokesperson of the state-initiative QuantumBW.