Bang! Zoom! Kaboom! Stellar Explosions and the Cosmic Origin of the Elements

Prof. Jordi José (Departament de Física Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), Spain)
Data e ora: 
Martedì, 8 Aprile, 2025 - 14:45
Sala Conferenze

Nuclear astrophysics aims at understanding the cosmic origin of the chemical elements and the energy generation in stars. It constitutes a truly multidisciplinary arena that combines tools, developments and achievements in theoretical astrophysics, observational astronomy, cosmochemistry and nuclear physics: supercomputers have provided astrophysicists with the required computational capabilities to study the evolution of stars in a multidimensional framework; the emergence of high-energy astrophysics with space-borne observatories has opened new windows to observe the Universe, from a novel panchromatic perspective; cosmochemists have isolated tiny pieces of stardust embedded in primitive meteorites, giving clues on the processes operating in stars as well as on the way matter condenses to form solids; and nuclear physicists are measuring reactions near stellar energies, using stable and radioactive ion beams. This talk will provide a comprehensive insight into the nucleosynthesis accompanying stellar explosions, with particular emphasis on some recent advances in the modeling of type Ia supernovae, classical and recurrent novae, and type I X-ray bursts.


Short bio: (~ 500 characters) Jordi José is a Full Professor of Physics, and currently Research Vice-Dean at the EEBE (Campus Diagonal-Besòs, UPC). He is also the Head of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Group (GAA) at UPC and a Research Associate at the Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC). He has been the Director of the Department of Physics at UPC (2012-2016) and the National Coordinator of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Research Spanish Agency (AEI-ANEP, Ministry of Economy, Madrid, 2014-2017). He frequently serves as referee for many research journals and funding agencies (including NASA, the Department of Energy [USA], the European Science Foundation, and many others). His research focuses on stellar thermonuclear explosions (Classical & Recurrent Novae, X-Ray Bursts, Type Ia Supernovae & Stellar Mergers), at the crossroads of Astrophysics, Nuclear physics, and Cosmochemistry. Aside from more than 160 refereed research publications (H-index=42), he has published the book “Stellar Explosions: Hydrodynamics & Nucleosynthesis”, CRC/Taylor & Francis (2016). He is also a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the American Physical Society (APS), the European Astronomical Society (EAS), and the Societat Catalana de Física, among others. Prof. José has been teaching Physics at UPC for about 35 yr (General Physics, Quantum Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Space Systems Engineering, Computational Astrophysics...). Moreover, he has also carried out a wide range of outreach activities, including books (“Física i Ciència Ficció”, “De King Kong a Einstein”, “Quando Stephen Hawking Giocava a Poker Sull’Enterprise” [in Italian]…) and published about 350 articles in newspapers (El País, La Vanguardia…). He has also collaborated with BTV, Radio Euskadi and TVE. He is currently coordinating the popular science collection Hyperion at Iniciativa Digital Politècnica (UPC).

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