Quantum Chromodynamics in Strong Magnetic Fields
chaired by Vincenzo Greco, Marco Ruggieri
Monday, 23 September 2013 from 10:00 to 14:00 (Europe/Rome) at Catania ( 1-1-Aula F - Aula F )
Description | One-Day Workshop Investigating on the role of strong magnetic fields on:
- 10:00 - 10:10Introduction to the topics of the workshop 10'
Speaker: Marco Ruggieri - 10:10 - 10:45Vector meson condensation 35'
Speaker: Maxim Chernodub - 10:45 - 11:15Vector meson condensation within NJL model 30'
Speaker: Marco Frasca - 11:15 - 11:35Break
- 11:35 - 12:10QCD thermodynamics in magnetic fields 35'
Speaker: Gergely Endrodi - 12:10 - 12:45QCD condensates in magnetic fields 35'
Speaker: Bonati Claudio - 12:45 - 13:20Energy density fluctuations in the early universe 35'
Speaker: Luca Guardo
Lunedì, 23 Settembre, 2013