Study of dense QCD matter and its astrophysical applications

It is very interesting to investigate the properties of QCD matter at finite baryon density since it is not only the question of particle physics but also that of astrophysics, which is associated with compact stars, supernova explosions and gravity waves. In the first part of this talk, we present some simple analysis of QCD phase diagram, based on the Ginzburg-Landau approach. Here we see how the interplay between chiral and diquark condensates as well as the QCD axial anomaly plays a role. As the result, a new critical point might appear at moderate density and low temperature, and we are led to some concept called the generalized mesons. This is a concrete realization of the quark-hadron continuity proposed by Schafer and Wilczek. In the second part, we show some astrophysical application for study of dense QCD matter. The r-mode instability of compact stars is such an example. As a possible mechanism to explain the issue, we here consider the mutual friction in superfluid quark matter. We try to demonstrate some preliminary results.
Organised by Marco Ruggieri

Lunedì, 25 Giugno, 2012