- 2015: Scientific high school diploma, with vote 100/100 cum laude.
- 2015-2018: Student of the bachelor’s degree Course in Fisica at the Department of Physics and Astronomy (Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana") of the University of Catania.
- Bachelor's Degree in Physics (Class L-30), obtained on 05/10/2018 at the University of Catania, with a grade of 110/110 cum laude.
- Winner of an incentive award reserved for students enrolled in the academic year 2015/16 at the L-30 degree course - Physical Sciences and Technologies (PHYSICS) at the University of Catania.
- 2015 – 2021: Student at Scuola Superiore di Catania (SSC) in the class of Experimental Sciences – Science and Technology.
- 2018 – 2020: Student of the master’s degree Course in Physics, Theoretical Physics curriculum, at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana" of the University of Catania.
- Winner of an incentive prize reserved for the best students enrolled in the 2018/19 academic year in the LM-17 (PHYSICS) degree course at the University of Catania.
- Winner of an incentive prize reserved for the best students in the academic year 2019/20 for the LM-17 (PHYSICS) degree course at the University of Catania
- Master’s degree in PHYSICS (class LM 17) at the University of Catania obtained on 05/10/2020 with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, with a thesis entitled "Hydrodynamic approach to functional renormalization group", carried out under the supervision of prof. D. Rischke (Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt) and Prof. V. Greco (Università deglli studi di Catania)
- Winner of the prize “Roberto Giordano” for the best master thesis in theoretical and nuclear physics
- Diploma at Scuola Superiore di Catania in the class of Experimental Sciences – Science and Technology on 14/12/2021 with a grade of 70/70 cum laude, with a thesis entitled "Critical Exponents or O(N) model via Hydrodynamic approach to functional renormalization group."
- 2020- in progress: PHD student in Physics at Università di Catania with a project developed in joint supervision with the Goethe Univeristat of Frankfurt.
- I spent a total of 18 months at the the Goethe Univeristat of Frankfurt, in order to carry out my research focused on the Functional renormalization group and its applications to low-energy-effective models for QCD.
One of the main themes of my current research activity is the functional renormalization group (FRG) and its applications to the study of QFTs. I exploit this approach to study the phase diagram of QCD making use of some effective models, specifically O(N)-symmetric model and the quark-meson model. I exploit the fact that the FRG flow equations for these models can be cast into the form of advection-diffusion equations, therefore making them solvable via hydrodynamic algorithms.
I also focus on the NJL model as an effective description of low energy QCD at high densities. Within the framework of this model, I study the impact of the coupling of axions to color superconducting matter.
Il programma di ricerca si concentrerà sull'utilizzo del Gruppo di Rinormalizzazione Funzionale (FRG) per lo studio delle transizioni di fase nella Cromodinamica Quantistica calda e densa (QCD). Il candidato prescelto implementerà i codici numerici necessari per risolvere le equazioni del flusso FRG a potenziale chimico e temperatura finiti, all'interno di modelli efficaci che catturano gli aspetti essenziali dell'interazione QCD. La ricerca si concentrerà sullo studio della linea critica nel diagramma di stato QCD, inclusa la temperatura e il potenziale chimico barionico. Successivamente il candidato estenderà la ricerca al caso dei mezzi anisotropi. Un'ulteriore estensione includerà l'accoppiamento dei quark densi all'assione QCD. Infine, i relativi codici saranno resi pubblici, secondo le linee guida del progetto.
Phys. Rev. D 108, 116016
Phys. Rev. D 109, 096017