Onoufrios Sgouros
Scientific Tutor: Francesco CAPPUZZELLO
Onoufrios Sgouros was born in Greece in 1989. He obtained his PhD degree at the University of Ioannina in 2017 with grade “Excellent” discussing a Thesis entitled “Elastic scattering and reaction mechanisms for the system 7Be+28Si at near barrier energies”. Upon completion of his PhD studies, he continued his career as a postdoctoral researcher at INFN-LNS under the ERC project NURE (02/2018-12/2020) and subsequently, he received a fellowship under the INFN Fellowship Programme in Experimental Physics (01-2021-01/2023). Since 23/01/2023 he is a research fellow at the Department of Physics and Astronomy “E. Majorana” in the University of Catania (DFA-UNICT) under the ERC project NURE. As a result of his research activities, he is a co-author of 62 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 102 publications in conference proceedings. He has co-supervised two MSc Theses at the DFA-UNICT and he serves as a reviewer in several scientific journals. His research interest is focused on nuclear reactions with emphasis on elastic scattering and direct reactions involving stable, weakly-bound and radioactive nuclei.
Reazioni nucleari per il doppio decadimento beta senza neutrini