Stefano Boscarino
Responsabile scientifico: Francesco RUFFINO
Stefano Boscarino gratuated (MSc) in Physics, with full marks, at the University of Catania in March 2011. From June to Dicember 2011 he gained a fellowship by CSFNSM (Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia) and in January 2012 he was admitted to the three-year Ph.D. course in Science and Technology of Materials at the University of Catania. He worked under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Terrasi and Dr. Isodiana Crupi, at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Catania, and with the CNR-IMM MATIS group. His research activity was focused on the fabrication and characterization of transparent conductive materials for optoelectronics and PV applications. In April 2018 he moved to CNR-IMM headquarter, located within the Industrial Area of Catania, where he was involved, under the supervision of Dr. Scalese Silvia, in the activity on carbon and metal-oxide based materials, as well as devices, focused on the development of sensors for different applications, ranging from biosensors to environmental monitoring. The results of his research were published, as author and co-author, in several articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He also presented these results in national and international conferences, as oral presentation or poster contributions. From 2015 he teaches Physics and Maths for bachelor and master degree courses, in different departments, at the University of Catania.
Caratterizzazione chimica e morfologica di ceneri, tufi vulcanici e geopolimeri; Materiali nanostrutturati e dispositivi per applicazioni in tecnologie avanzate come: sensoristica, microlettronica, energia e ambiente.
- Investigation of ZnO-decorated CNTs for UV light detection applications, S. Boscarino et al. - Nanomaterials - 2019, 9, 1099-1100; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano9081099
- Ion irradiation of AZO thin films for flexible electronics, S. Boscarino et al. - Nuclear Instruments &Method In Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interaction With Materials and Atoms - 2017, 392,14-20; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2016.11.037
- TCO/Ag/TCO transparent electrodes for solar cells application, S. Boscarino et al. - Applied Phisycs A, Materials science e processing - 2014,116, 1287-1291; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-014-8222-9
- Laser irradiation of ZnO:Al/Ag/ZnO:Al multilayers for electrical isolation in thin film photovoltaics, Crupi, S. Boscarino, et al. - Nanoscale Research Letters - 2013, 8, 392-396; https://doi.org/10.1186/1556-276X-8-392
- Optimization of ZnO:Al/Ag/ZnO:Al structures for ultra-thin high-performance transparent conductive electrodes, I. Crupi, S. Boscarino, et al. - Thin Solid Films - 2012, 520, 4432-4435; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2012.02.080