Naganna Vasantharaju

Assegnista di ricerca
dal 21/12/2021 al 20/12/2022
Responsabile scientifico: Francesca ZUCCARELLO

N Vasantharaju received the Ph.D. in Physics (Solar physics) from the Bangalore University, India in 2020. Currently, he is a postdoctoral research fellow at INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India during the year 2021.

Study of Solar magnetic field evolution

1. N. Vasantharaju, P. Vemareddy, B. Ravindra, and V. H. Doddamani., "Magnetic imprints of eruptive and non-eruptive solar flares as observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory", The Astrophysical Journal, 2022 (Accepted).
2. N. Vasantharaju, P. Vemareddy, B. Ravindra, and V. H. Doddamani. “Finding the critical decay index in solar prominence eruptions”. The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, Volume 885, 89 (11pp). DOI-
3. N. Vasantharaju, P. Vemareddy, B. Ravindra, and V. H. Doddamani. “Formation and eruption of sigmoidal structure from a weak field region of NOAA 11942” The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, Volume 874, 182 (14pp). DOI-
4. N. Vasantharaju, P. Vemareddy, B. Ravindra, and V. H. Doddamani. “Statistical study of magnetic nonpotential measures in confined and eruptive flares”, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, Volume 860, 58 (12 pp), DOI-
5. K.B. Ramesh, N. Vasantharaju, H. Pruthvi, K. Reardon. “Solar dynamics imaging system, a back-end instrument for the proposed NLST”. Experimental Astronomy, 2016, 42, 3, 271-283. DOI-
6. K.B. Ramesh and N. Vasantharaju , “Temporal offsets among Solar activity indicators”. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2014, 350, 2, 479-487. DOI -