Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum THEORETICAL PHYSICSCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/02 - Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to deal with some formalisms and mathematical tools of interest to modern physics.
The student should be able to apply the acquired knowledge for the comprehension and resolution of advanced physics problems, mainly related to quantum mechanics.
Course Structure
Detailed Course Content
Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear operators, eigenvalue problems. Recalls of measurement theory, L^p spaces. Euclidean spaces, and Hilbert space, orthonormal bases. Operators in Hilbert spaces. Fourier series and transform. Distributions. Spectral theory and methods for spectrum calculation. Some PDE of mathematical physics.
Textbook Information
G. Fonte, Appunti di metodi matematici della fisica, Aracne
C. Rossetti, Metodi matematici per la Fisica, Levrotto & Bella.
G. Cicogna, Metodi matematici della Fisica, Springer.