Graduation exam
This page needs to be updated: please, see the Italian version.
Calendar of the Final Graduation Exam A.Y. 2020/2021 |
Eligible candidates for the final graduation exam are students who have completed their academic programme, and have successfully achieved all the CFUs within the MSc Programme in Physics (apart from the 40 CFU associated with the graduation exam itself). Eligible candidates should formally request to be admitted to the final exam. The final graduation exam consists in the defense of the thesis in front of the Graduation Committee, appointed by the Coordinator of the MSc in Physics (The Graduation Regulations provides a detailed description of the procedure and criteria for the assignment of the final grade and of the honors - below are however provided some important Rules and Deadlines). For the presentation of the thesis, the candidate has 25 minutes. At the conclusion of the Graduation session, the verbalization of the examination, with the assignment of the graduation grade, determines the closure of the career and the achievement of the title by the candidate.
At the end of the MSc Programme in Physics, students are required to prepare, in an original way, and defend a final project on a topic of current interest in Physics or its applications. One or more University professor(s) serve(s) as supervisor(s), and guide(s) the student in the preparation of the final project. Professors of other Universities, or researchers of other research institutions (in Italy or abroad), may optionally serve as co-supervisors. The preparation of the final project may also take place during visits to other Universities, research laboratories, or industries, both in Italy and abroad.
The final project consists of a written report on an original development of a theoretical, experimental, or technological problem, with specific relevance for fundamental research or applications in Physics, or in an interdisciplinary field which makes use of typically physical methods.
MSc candidates should summarize the main results of their final projects in a brochure (see examples).
Deadlines for the online procedures:
For the candidate:
- 2 months before the graduation exam: fill online graduation form (domanda di laurea);
- 1 month before the graduation exam: fill online graduation form (foglio tesi);
- 15 days before the graduation exam: have all exams successfully completed;
- 15 days before the graduation exam: upload the final project (as a PDF/A file) through the Portale Studenti
Remind that, according to the Rules of the University Library, candidates must be clear of any loan issued by any University Library. The online system will prevent the final project upload otherwise.
For the supervisor:
- 10 days before the graduation exam: last deadline for project and graduation form approval.
Candidates and guests to in-person graduate examinations taking place during the Covid-19 emergency are required to adhere to the Department's General Access (Anti-Covid Prevention) Guidelines.
NOTICE: All April 2021 session undergraduates are advised that the deadlines related to the Covid-19 emergency will be maintained:
- Passing last exam within 6 days prior to the graduation exam;
- Submission of pdf/a thesis file within 5 days prior to graduation exam;
- Thesis file confirmation within 3 days prior to graduation exam.