Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year - Curriculum PHYSICS APPLIED TO CULTURAL HERITAGE, ENVIRONMENT AND MEDICINECredit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/01 - Experimental physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The class is aimed at providing the student the basic knowledge and an overview of the state of the art of the electronics chain associated to radiation and particle detectors: knowledge of the architectures of electronics for the optimal extraction of the information provided by the detectors; Criteria on the design of the front-end electronics and the characterization of the detectors; methods used to investigate the functionality of the electronics circuits and the results of the measurements.
Course Structure
Lectures are conducted in the classroom using a multimedia board to allow interactivity with the students and the integration of the teaching material.
During the lessons the students can intervene for questions or in-depth analysis. In the final part of each lesson the teacher carries out a sample check of the learning level and introduces the contents of the following lesson.
Detailed Course Content
Theory of the signals. Physics of Electronic devices. Introduction on the mechanisms of detection; simplified model of the detector: The electronic noise, measurement strategies. Optimization of the signal to noise ratio and influence in the measures of time, charge, energy, hit. Voltage, current and charge aplifiers. The preamplifier, the shaper, shaping of signals and signal-to-noise. Transmission lines in the time domain, ideal and lossy line. The SPICE simulator. The sampling and the analog-digital conversion (ADC); The programmable logic. Basics on LabView platform for the automatic acquisition and analysis of the results.
Textbook Information
- H. Spieler, Semiconductor Detector Systems, Oxford Science Publications;
- Bolognesi - Tecnologia dei semiconduttori - Zanichelli - 1965;
- Calzolari, Grafi - Elementi di elettronica - Zanichelli- 1984;
- Massobrio - Modelli dei Dispositivi a Semiconduttore - Angeli - 1986;
- Millman - Circuiti e Sistemi Microelettronici - Boringheri - 1985.