Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year - Curriculum NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Teaching Staff: Gigi CAPPELLO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/04 - Nuclear and subnuclear physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course is aimed to present to the student experimental particle physics. A detailed description of some of the fundamental experiments in the field is also given.
Course Structure
The course will consist of two hours lectures twice a week for 12 weeks.
Should the circumstances require online or blended teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course.
Detailed Course Content
- Basic concepts
- particles and quantum numbers
- Fermions and bosons. Particles and antiparticles
- Yukawa Forces
- Relativistic Kinematics
- Natural units
- Particle Physics Experiments
- muon neutrino discovery
- parity violation in beta and pion decay
- neutrino elicity measurement
- J/PSI discovery
- CP violation in K-long decay
- neutral currents and W-Z bosons discovery
- top quark discovery
- tau neutrino discovery
- OPERA experiment
- Quark model and colors
- Mesons and barions
- Barion number, Isospin, Strangenes, Charmnes, Bottomnes, Topnes
- colors;
- asintotic freedom and confinement
- hadron jets
- vacuum polarization
- J/Psi discovery
- Charmonium and bottonium
- Deep Inelastic Scattering e-e and e-p, Form factors, Structure function
- weak interactions
- beta decay
- pion muon and kaon decay
- parity violation
- electroweak unification
- Gargamelle experiments and neutral currents
- UA1 e UA2 experiments - W and Z discovery
Quark mixing
Textbook Information
- Particle Physics, B.R. Martin, G. Shaw, John Wiley and Son
- A. Bettini – Elementary Particle Physics – Cambridge University Press 2008;
- G. Giacomelli – Kinematics of Particle Reactions - Physics Reports 26 (1987)285;
- D.H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Addison-Wesley
- R.N. Cahn, G.Goldhaber - The Experimental Fundation of Particle Physics – Cambridge University Press