Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Catia Maria Annunziata PETTA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is aimed to introduce the student to the technologies used in particle physics experiments. In particular, the student will learn how is designed a detector to be used in particle physics.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons (3 CFU) and laboratory activities (3 CFU). Students will be addressed to work together and to share their results.

Should the circumstances require online or blended teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course.

Required Prerequisites

Attendance of Lessons

Detailed Course Content

- Particle Physics Detector Design

  • Tracker detectors for particle momentum determination
  • Electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters
  • Particle identification and Cherenkov Detectors.

- Detector design for Neutrino Physics with accelerators

  • Liquid Argon TPC’s
  • Emulsion detectors
  • Particle identification and Cherenkov Detectors.

- Hints about specific Particle Physics and Neutrino Physics experiments

- Laboratory measurements

  • measurements with Cherenkov detectors
  • SiPM characterization
  • Data taking in particle or Neutrino Physics

Textbook Information

Glenn F. Knoll Radiation Detection and Measurement John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Claus Grupen, Boris Shwartz Particle Detectors Cambridge University Press

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises