Vincenzo GRECO
Graduated in Physics with 110/110 cum laude in 1997 at the University of Catania, has obtained the title of PhD in Physics (cum laude) in 2001, carrying out the thesis with an internship at the Ludwig-Maximiliam Universität (LMU) in Munich (Germany) and at the University of Florence. He carried out a period of post-doctoral training at the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics (ECT*) in Trento. From 2002 to 2004 post-doc at the Cyclotron Institute of Texas A&M University, and subsequently Visiting Professor at the Department of Physics of the same university. In 2007-08 post-doc at the University of Bari and the LNS of INFN. In 2008 he returned to the staff of the University of Catania as permanent researcher and since 2016 he has been full professor of Theoretical Physics, Methods and Mathematical Models. From 2012 to 2020 he was a member of the INFN National Scientific Commission in which he is evaluator of national theoretical hadronic and nuclear physics projects. In 2016 appointed Fellow of the Academia Europaea. He was Principal Investigator for the European Research Council (ERC) with a Grant (Consolidator) and a FIRB project of the MIUR on the physics of QCD at high density and temperature, and is currently the national manager of the SIM project ("Strongly Interacting Matter" ) of INFN since 2016. Since 2020 he has been a member of the editorial board for the European Physical Journal Plus of EPS. Visiting scientist at various international institutes including the Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies (FIAS), the Institute of Nuclear Theory (INT) in Seattle, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) and CERN in Geneva, he is currently a member of the "College of Expert Reviewers "for the European Science Foundation (ESF)
The main research fields concern the properties of strong interaction at high temperature and density, collisions between heavy ions at relativistic energies and the formation of quark-gluon plasma, the phase diagram of nuclear matter and its equation of state, the properties of asymmetric nuclear matter in isospin and neutron stars; in these fields he is the author of over 200 publications in international scientific journals with about 10,000 citations (INSPIRE-HEP) and has been invited speaker at more than 50 international conferences and / or workshops.
Current Academic Position
“Full Professor” in Theoretical Physics (02/A2 – ssd FIS/02) at the University of Catania, sicne 2016.
* 1997 “Laurea” (Degree+Master) in Physics, 110/110 cum laude at the University of Catania
* 2002 Ph.D. in Physics - University of Catania with a thesis entitled “ Relativistic approaches on the isospin physics: Equation of State and nuclear dynamics ”, supervisor Prof. M. Di Toro, Prof. H.H. Wolter of the LMU Universität di Monaco (Germany) and Prof. F. Matera (university of Florence).
*2002 Doctoral Training Programme at ECT* Trento.
- 2016 - Full Professor in Theorethical Physics of Fundamental Interactions (02/A2, FIS/02).
- 2013 - Associate Professor at the University of Catania (02/A2, FIS/02).
- 2008 - “Ricercatore" Tenured Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Catania.
- 2007 - Post-doc at the University of Bari co-funded by the INFN-LNS.
- 2005 - Post-doc at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS)
- 2004 - 2005, Visiting Professor at the Department of Physics della Texas A&M University and Research Associate al Cyclotron Institute.
- 2002-2004, INFN National Fellowship for post-doc positions.
Distinctions and Awards
- 2016, Fellow of the Academia Europaea, http://www.ae-info.org/;
- 2016, Chinese Academy of Sciences Award President’s Fellowship (PIFI);
- 2018, Member of the “College of Expert Reviewers” for the European Science Foundation (ESF);
- 2013-16, Member of the Management Committee (Italian representative) of the COST-Action TN1301 “Next Generation of Young Scientist: Towards a Contemporary Spirit or R&I (Sci-GENERATION)”
- 2015-2020, Referee for National INFN projects on “Theoretical Nuclear and Hadronic Physic” and member of the committee for assigning INFN foreigner national post-doc positions;
- 2017, Outstanding Reviewer for Physics Letters B, Elsevier Science, The Netherlands;
- 2019, Distinguished Reviewer for the European Physics Journal (EPJ) della European Physical Society (EPS);
- 2020, Memeber of the Board of Editors of the European Physical Journal Plus (EPJ-Plus), Q1-JIF in 2019.
Current Research and Istitutional Responsabilities
- Deputy Director of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN -LNS), since October 2019;
- Member of the National Scientific Committee of the “Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare” (INFN) for 2012-2016, renewed for 2016-2020;
- National Coordinator of the SIM (Strongly Interacting Matter) project of INFN, since June 2016.
- Member of the “College of Expert Reviewers” per la European Science Foundation (ESF).
- Scientific Coordinator for the nuclear theoretical physics at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).
- Vice-Coordinator of the PhD Program in Physics at the University of Catania since 2015;
- 2011-2016, Principal Investigator of a Starting Grant (Consolidator) dell'European Research Council (ERC), sul Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics, progetto QGP-Dyn Grant no. 259684;
- 2010-2014, Principal Investigator e Coordinatore Nazionale di un FIRB - progetto finanziato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) sulla fisica delle collisioni di ioni pesanti presso LHC - CERN (cod. RBFR0814TT).
- 2017-2020, Coordinatore Nazionale del progetto INFN su “Strongly Interacting Matter at High Density and Energy - SIM” approvato dal Comitato Scientifico Nazionale;
- 2017-18, Principal Investigator dell'azione CHANCE per un progetto sulle “Proprietà del plasma QGP presso LHC” dell'Università degli Studi di Catania.
- 2020-2022, Principal Investigator di HQCDyn, Linea 2 dei finanziamenti per la ricerca Unict.
- 2021-2023, Coordinatore Nazionale del progetto INFN su “Strongly Interacting Matter at High Density and Energy - SIM” approvato dal Comitato Scientifico Nazionale;
- 2023-2025, Responsabile unita' UniCT del progetto PRIN2022 "Advanced probes of the Quark Gluon Plasma", Prot. 2022SM5YAS, in collaborazione con Universita' di Firenze e INFN Torino.
Bibliometric Indicators
About n. 200 published papers on peer review journals (n.105 Article, n.70 Conference Paper, n.4 Short Survey, n.3 Review, n.2 Editorial)
SCOPUS database about 7500 citations, h-index= 45
> 10000 citations, h-index= 50 on SPIRES-HEP, n.3 TOP+500 paper, n.8 TOP+200 papers.
Service to the Scientific Community
- Reviewer for Project Grants of National and International Funding Agencies:
- Department of Energy (DOE) of USA;
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO);
- Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and National Science Centre (NCN) of Poland;
- Czech Science Foundation of Czech Republic;
- Italian Ministery of the University and Research - MIUR (FIRB, PRIN, Rita-Levi Monatlcini);
- 2012-2020, Member of the National Scientific Committee of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), renewal in April 2016;
- “Referee” of many “peer reviewed” journals among which:
- Physical Review Letters ,Physical Review C and D for the American Physical Society (APS);
- Nuclear Physics A and Physics Letters B for the Elsevier Science;
- Journal of High Energy Physics for Springer;
- European Journal of Physics A, C and X for the European Physical Society (EPS);
- Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics (AIP);
- Cambridge University Press for physics books in nuclear, particle and theoretical Physics.
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Master in Physics)
- Mathematical Methods in Physics (Geology Post-Graduate)
- Theory of Strong Interactions (Master in Physics)
- General Physics (Engineering Undergraduate at A&M Texas Univ.)
- Theory of Sub-Nuclear Interaction (Master in Physics)
- Theory of Nuclear Reaction (Master in Physics)
- Complements of Quantum Mechanics (Physics, PhD and Scuola Superiore di Catania for Master students)
- Advanced Topics in Quantum Physics (Scuola Superiore di Catania for Master students)
- Non-perturbative quantum physics (Scuola Superiore di Catania for Master students)
- Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma; (Physics PhD)
- Physics of Strong Interaction at finite temperature (Physics, PhD).
I have also given several lectures at international schools on relativistic transport theory and phenomenology of Relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Trained students and supervising of young researcher:
Supervisor of many ( > 20) undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Catania.
Referee of several Ph.D theses (> 10) in Italy and abroad.
Has been responsible of several (>8) post-doc, among which Dr. Salvatore Plumari now "ricercatore Rtd-a" at the Università di Catania, Dr. Marco Ruggieri Full Professor at the University of Lanzhou, Dr. Francesco Scardina now Senior Data Science manager at Booking.com in Amsterdam, Dr. Santosh Kumar Das nowAssociate Professor all’IIT di Goa (India).
Responsabilità Scientifica e Coordinamento di progetti di ricerca
- SIM2021-23 (I.N.F.N.) – Iniziativa Specifica “Strongly Interacting Matter at High Density and Energy - SIM” approvata dalla Commissione Scientifica 4 dell’INFN il 15 Aprile 2016; Ruolo: Responsabile Nazionale per il triennio 2021-23
- ERC-StG2010 (FP7-Ideas) – Progetto quinquennale QGPdyn (“Quark-Gluon Plasma Dynamics: A Journey into New Phases of the Strong Interactions”) finanziato dallo European Research Council (ERC) all’interno del Programma “Idee” FP7, call ERC-2010-StG (settore Consolidator) per il panel Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE2); Project number 259684. Ruolo: “Principal Investigator”. Periodo: 1 Maggio 2011 – 31 Gennaio 2017;
- SIM2017-19 (I.N.F.N.) – Iniziativa Specifica “Strongly Interacting Matter at High Density and Energy - SIM” approvata dalla Commissione Scientifica 4 dell’INFN il 15 Aprile 2016; Ruolo: Responsabile Nazionale per il triennio 2017-19
- FIRB 2008 (M.I.U.R.) – progetto “Fasi della QCD, modelli di teoria dei e teoria del trasporto: un approccio sistematico alla fenomenologia degli ioni pesanti”;(cod. CINECA: RBFR0814TT). Ruolo: Coordinatore nazionale e responsabile unità di Catania. Periodo: Dicembre 2010 - Novembre 2014.
- RM31 (I.N.F.N.) – Iniziativa Specifica sulla “Fisica delle collisioni tra ioni pesanti ad energie altissime e quark-gluon plasma” (coordinatore nazionale Prof. L. Maiani fino al 2008 e Prof. F. Becattini dal 2009) su fondi della Commissione IV dell’INFN; Ruolo: Responsabile locale per i LNS. Periodo: Gennaio 2008 - Dicembre 2010.
- SIM (I.N.F.N.) - Iniziativa Specifica su “Strongly Interacting Matter at High Density and Energy” sui fondi della Commissione IV dell’INFN per il triennio 2011-13 e 2014-18. Ruolo: Responsabile locale per i LNS. Periodo: Gennaio 2011 - Dicembre 2016.
- HadronPhysics2 (FP7 - Infrastructures 2008) – progetto “Study of Strongly Interacting Matter” Network europea, Coordinatore Dott. C. Guaraldo (INFN- Frascati). Project number 227431. Ruolo: Coordinatore locale per INFN-LNS(CT) nel WorkPackage-WP2 TORIC – Theory of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. Periodo: Gennaio 2009 – Dicembre 2011.
- HadronPhysics3 (FP7 - Infrastructures 2011) – progetto “Study of Strongly Interacting Matter” Network europea, Coordinatore Dott. C. Guaraldo (INFN- Frascati). Project number 283286. Ruolo: Coordinatore locale per INFN-LNS nel WorkPackage-WP2 TURHIC – Theory of UltraRelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions.Periodo: Gennaio 2012 - Dicembre 2015
Partecipazione a progetti nazionali e internazionali (non in ruolo di responsabile e/o coordinatore)
- PRIN 2001 (M.I.U.R.), “Fisica Teorica del Nucleo e dei sistemi a molti corpi”, coordinatore nazionale Prof. S. Boffi. Ruolo: partecipante come dottorando in Fisica.
- PRIN 2006 (M.I.U.R.), “Fasi della CromoDinamica Quantistica: teoria e fenomenologia”, coordinatore nazionale Prof. L. Maiani, prot. 2006025843. Ruolo: Partecipante e Assegnista di ricerca nel 2007-08.
- PRIN 2009 (M.I.U.R.) – “Il Quark-Gluon Plasma e le collisioni nucleari di alta energia”, coordinatore nazionale Prof. F. Becattini. Prot. 2009WA4R8W_004. Ruolo: partecipante per l’unità di Catania.
- NUMAT (I.N.F.N.) – Iniziativa Specifica su “Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars”, responsabile nazionale Dott. Hans-Joseph Schultze.Ruolo; Partecipante per l’unità LNS come Associato con Incarico di Ricerca (Afferenza 20% nel 2015).
- NUMEN (I.N.F.N.) – Progetto di Commssione 3 dell’INFN su “NUclear Matrix Element for Neutrino double beta decay”. Ruolo: Partecipante (20% nel 2016), tra i firmatari proponenti del nuovo progetto,Giugno 2014.
- THOR (COST Action) – progetto “Theory of Hot Matter and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions”, Management Committee Prof. M. Bleicher (FIAS-Frankfurt), Action CA15213, http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15213. Approvata 12 Febbraio 2016. Ruolo: Coordinatore locale per l’unità di Catania. Periodo: 2016-2020
- 2016-18, Coordinator for the University of Catania of an Erasmus Mundus for Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Nuclear Physics – NUCPHYS. Main Coordinator Prof. J. Arias of theUniversity of Seville. Partners:Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Barcellona in Spain, Universitè de Caen- Basse Normadie in France, Università di Padova e di Catania in Italy. Founded Budget: 1.891,00 Euro (for 3 Cycles)
- 2012, Founding Member of the "Young Academy of Europe" (YAE);
- Local coordinator for INFN-LNS of the European network THURIC (2012-14) – WP2 on the physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma in HadronPhysics2 I3-HP funded by FP7-Infrastructures.
- Italian Member of the COST Actions CA15213 “Theory of Hot Matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions” THOR within the Horizon 2020 program;
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the international schools"QGP: Past, Present and Future" in 2010 (Villa Gualino) and 2012 (Siena).
- 2009-2013, Member of the Academic Board of the “International PhD Course in Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics” of the Scuola Superiore at the University of Catania.
- Vice-Coordinator of the PhD in Physics at the University di Catania, since Ciclo XXX (2015) up to now;
- Member of the Advisor Committee or of the Organizing Committee of about n.15 International Conferences and Workshops; Chair of the International Workshop on “Heavy Flavor Dynamics: Theory, Phenomenology and experiments”,ECT*, Trento, March 2015.
Organization of Conferences, Workshops and International Schools
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop “Nuclear Dynamics from Giant Resonances to Quark Deconfinement” at the INFN-LNS, 18-20 September 2009.
- Member of the International Advisor Committee di WISH2010 “Workshop on Interplay between Soft and Hard interactions in particle production at ultrarelativistic energies”, Catania, 8-10 September 2010. Website: http://agenda.ct.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=295
- Member of the Comitato Organizzatore della International School sul “Quark-Gluon Plasma and Heavy-Ion Collision: past, present and future” a Villa Gualino (Torino), 7-12 March 2011. Website: http://personalpages.to.infn.it/~nardi/QGPSchool/5th/welc11.html
- Member of the International Advisor Committee dell’International Workshop on “Early Physics with heavy-Ion EPIC@LHC”, Bari (Italia), 6-8 July 2011. Website: http://indico.ba.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=72
- Member of the International Organizing Committee del Workshop “Quarkonia in Deconfined Matter”, Acitrezza (Italia), 28-30 September 2011. Website: http://www2.physik.uni-bielefeld.de/quarkonia.html
- Member of the International Organizing Committee del “5th International workshop on heavy quark production in heavy-ion collisions”, Urecht (The Netherlands), 14-17 November 2012. Website: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=182856
- Session Convener “Heavy-Ions e QCD” alla XII Edizione degli Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie –IFAE2013, Cagliari, 3-5 April 2013. Website: https://agenda.infn.it/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=5829#20130404.
- Member of the Organizing Commitee del “International School on QGP: Past, Present, Future”, Siena (Italia), 9-13 July 2013. Website: http://www.hadrons.to.infn.it/QGP_School/Home.html
- Member of the Organizing Committee del Workshop on “Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy” - WPCF2013 Acireale, 5-8 November 2013. Website: https://indico.cern.ch/event/248321/
- International Coordinator del long-term Workshop: “The Status of the Nuclear Interaction Theory” al Kavli Institute for Theorethical Nuclear Physics (KITPC), Beijing (China), 25 August-19 September 2014; Website: http://www.kitpc.ac.cn/?p=ProgDetail&id=PP20140825&i=main
- Member of the International Advisory Committee del Workshop on “Hadronic Resonances”, Catania, 3-7 November 2014. Website: https://agenda.ct.infn.it/event/1040/
- Chair of the International Workshop on “Heavy Flavor Dynamics: Theory, Phenomenology and experiiments”, European Centre for Nuclear Physics ECT*, Trento, 16-20 March 2015. Website: http://www.ectstar.eu/node/1219
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee della “XXX International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions”- NN2015, Catania, 15-21 June 2015. Website: https://agenda.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5235
- Member of the Local Organizing Committee della “XXVII International Conference of Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions - Quark Matter” – QM2018, 14-19 May 2018.
- Memebr of the Organizing Committee della GGI International School "Frontiers in Nuclear and Handronic Physics", Galileo Galieli Institute, Florence, 24 February - 4 March 2022.
- Member of the International Advisory Committee della "XXX International Conference of Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions - Quark Matter” – QM2023, 2-9 September 2023.
- Organizer of the GGI International School "Frontiers in Nuclear and Handronic Physics", Galileo Galieli Institute, Florence, 27 February - 10 March 2023.
- Member of International Advisory Committee, 4th Heavy Flavor Meeting, Goa (India), 2-4 November 2023.
- Member of the Scientific Committee, WPCF and Resonance 2023, Catania, 6-10 November 2023.
Update September 2023
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2020/2021
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2018/2019
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2016/2017
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Physics - 1st Year
The research scientific activity belongs to the wide field of nuclear and strong interaction physics. The early stage of the career has been mainly devoted to the study of phase diagram of nuclear matter at finite baryon density: Equation of state (EOS) and dynamics of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter including the phenomenology of heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energy and properties of neutron stars. The main activity is instead devoted to the study of the properties of Hot QCD matter and the physics of the quark gluon plasma (QGP) in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, particularly the scientific production has given contributions to in-medium modified hadronization via quark coalescence and fragmentation, the dynamics of heavy quarks and their hadronization, relativistic transport theory at finite
shear viscosity, dynamics of the early stage of the relativistic heavy-ion collisions, transport parameters of the hot QCD matter and very recently direct photon production.
The research activity have been done in collaboration with colleagues of various foreigner Universities and Research Institutions among which the Texas A&M University (USA), Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), Columbia University (USA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), Goethe University of Frankfurt (Germany), Giessen University (Germany), Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Ludwig Maximillian University (Germany), University of Bergen (Norway), University of Bucharest (Romania), Institute of High Energy Physics- IHEP of Bejing (China), Peking University (China), Chinese Academy of Science- Beijing, Shanghai Jao Tong University (China).
- Deputy Director at INFN-LNS since 2019;
- Member of the Directorate Committee of DFA;
- Delegato del Direttore del DFA per lo Sviluppo dell'organico dal 2019;