Il Dr.Antonino Del Popolo si è laureato all'Università di Bologna nel nel 1990 con voto 110/110 summa cum laude, discutendo la tesi L'osservazione delle Pulsars come probe della Relatività Generale. Ha ottenuto il dottorato in Fisica presso l'Universita' di Catania nel 1994, discutendo la tesi L'evoluzione degli ammassi di Galassie in un modello CDM standard. Ha lavorato in qualità di ricercatore nell'Istituto CRL (NICT) di Tokyo, e nell'Instituto Argelander di Bonn, in qualità di "Assistant Professor" nell'Università del Bosforo di Istanbul, e Professore Ordinario nell'Università Tecnica di Istanbul (ITU). Il Dr. Del Popolo è attualmente ricercatore e professore aggiunto presso il Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia dell'Università di Catania. E' stato "visiting professor" presso l'Università del Bosforo di Istanbul, presso l'Università di San Paolo (Brasile), presso l'Istituto Internazionale di Fisica (IIP) di Natal (Brasile), presso l'IMP-CAS di Lanzhou (Cina), dove ha anche ottenuto il premio PIFI dell'Accademia delle Science Cinese, presso presso l'Istituto di astronomia dell'accademia russa delle scienze, e a Sofia presso l'Università S. K. Ohridsky e presso l'istituto di astronomia dell'accademia delle scienze. Il suo interesse principale e' la Cosmologia Fisica. Il Dr. Del Popolo si è anche interessato dello studio delle forze stocastiche in sistemi gravitazionali, e di modelli di migrazione in sistemi planetari extra-solari. Recentemente si è occupato degli effetti dei barioni sulle predizioni del modello ΛCDM (universo costitutito da 25% di materia oscura, 70% di energia oscura, 5% di materia ordinaria) su piccole scale mostrando come la fisica dei barioni possa risolvere i punti deboli del modello detto sulla scala del kpc.  Infine si sta occupando del ruolo della materia oscura sulla struttura di oggetti compatti.  Il Dr. Del Popolo e' autore di piu' di 200 articoli. Il suo indice h e' 38, e quello primo autore 29. Questo ultimo dato  indica che gli articoli, le citazioni, e l'indice h non sono il risultato della participazione a grandi collaborazioni, che il primo autore e' quasi sempre il Dr. Del Popolo, ed infine che il numero degli autori degli articoli e' dell'ordine di qualche unità.


I. Personal Data
Name: Antonino Del Popolo
Date of birth: 1965/5/30
Place of birth: Montalbano Elicona, Province: Messina
Home address: via Ragusa 2, Braidi (Me), Italy
Research address: Catania University,
Physics and Astronomy Department, Section of Astrophysics
Via S. Sofia 78, 95123 Catania ITALY,
Tel.: +390957332315
Marital Status: Divorced

II. Educational Background
Academic degrees
2006 Master in Quantitative Finance
1994 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Catania (Title: The evolution of clusters of
Galaxies in a Standard CDM model)
1990 { 1985 Degree in Physics (B.Sc, M.Sc.) obtained in 1990
at the University of Bologna with mark 110/110 (summa cum laude)
(Title: Pulsars observation as a probe of General Relativity)
1984 { 1979 \Licenza scienti ca" (General certi cate of Education),
Institute \E. Amari" in Patti (Me) with a 60/60 mark

Academic appointments
Present-2009 Permanent: Assistant Professor at Catania University

2023 Visiting professor: Institute of Astronomy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, So a

2020-2019 Visiting Professor: Institute of Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow

2018-2017 PIFI (President's International Fellowship Initiative)
Professor, IMP, CAS, Lanzhou, China
2016 (March) Visiting IMP, CAS, Lanzhou, China
2015, 2013-2012 Visiting Professor at IIP, UFRN, NATAL, RN
2013-2012 Visiting Professor at IAG-USP, Sao PAulo

2009-2008 Researcher: Argelander Institute (AIFA), Bonn

2008-2006 Professor at Istanbul Technical University


2005-2003 Assist. Professor at Bogazici University (Istanbul)
2003-2003 Visiting Professor at St. K. Ochridski (So a)
2003 -2000 Researcher at Feza Gursey Institute (Istanbul)
2001 - 2000 Visiting professor at Bogazici University (Istanbul)
1999 Visit at U.E.F.S, (Universidadae Estadual de
Feira de Santana), Bahia, Brasil
1999 (March)-1998 Researcher at C.R.L. (Communications Research Laboratory),

III. Teaching experience

2019-2018 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
2018-2017 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
2017-2016 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
2016-2014 Galactic & Extra-Galactic Astronomy
2014-2013 Introduction to Astronomy
2011-2010 Lab. I; Formation of planetary systems (graduate course)
2010-2000 Lab. I
2009-2008 Lab. I
2008-2006 Teaching Dynamics; Financial Mathematics;
Stochastic Ordinary Di erential equations at Istanbul Technical University
2005-2004 Teaching Cosmology at Bogazici University
2005-2004 Teaching Introduction to Astronomy at Bogazici University
2004-2003 Teaching Introduction to Astrophysics at Bogazici University
(undergraduate course)
2003-2003 Teaching Cosmology (undergraduate course)
at St. K. Ochridski (So a)
2001-2000 Teaching Cosmology (graduate course) at Bogazici University


1. 2016 Cosmology course: Dark matter theory and structure formation, UFES (Universidade Federal Espirito Santo), Vitoria, Brasil (from 15-09-2016 to 14-10-2016)
2. 2015 Cosmology course: Cusps and cores in galaxies: problems and solutions (graduate
course), UFES (Universidade Federal Espirito Santo), Vitoria, Brasil (from 21-09-2015 to
3. 2011-2010 Formation of planetary systems, Catania University
4. 2001-2000 Cosmology, Bogazici University


V. Memberships
 Member of the Italian Physics Society
 Member of the ESA's (European Space Agency) GAIA project

Member of the AUGER collaboration

 Member of the International Astronomical Union

 Member of the International Astronomical Union
 Associated to INFN
 Member of "Collegio dei Docenti del corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica dell'Universit di Catania



VI. Languages
Italian native speaker
English fluent in speaking and writing
Romanian advanced
Portuguese advanced
Russian advanced

VII. Knowledge in Software
 Fortran, C, Maple, Matlab, LATEX
 Operating systems: Windows, Linux, and Unix.

VIII. Research Interests
 Cosmology: large scale structure in the universe
 Planetology: Origin and evolution of solar
and extrasolar planetary systems
 Stellar Systems: Stochastic forces

Conference organization:
1. (SOC): Astronomy and Space Physics, Annual International Conference in Kyiv (Kiev)
University, Taras SHevchenko national university of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine from 25-05-2021 to 28-05-2021
2. (SOC): Astronomy and Space Physics, Annual International Conference in Kyiv (Kiev)
University, Taras SHevchenko national university of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine from 26-05-2020 to 29-05-2020
3. (SOC): Astronomy and Space Physics, Annual International Conference in Kyiv (Kiev)
University, Taras SHevchenko national university of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine from 28-05-2019 to 01-06-2019
4. (SOC): Astronomy and Space Physics, Annual International Conference in Kyiv (Kiev)
University, Taras SHevchenko national university of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine from 28-05-2018 to 31-05-2018


Management or participation in the activities of a research group characterized by
national or international collaborations:

1. GAIA mission
from 01-06-2000
2. International Astronomical Union, member of: Division F Planetary Systems and Bioastronomy
Division J Galaxies and Cosmology
from 06-09-2012
3. International Astronomical Union, member of Commission 47 Cosmology from 06-09-2012
to 31-12-2015
4. PRIN 2012:Theoretical Astroparticle Physics. WEBp page:
5. Member of EUCLID Consortium from 01-03-2016
6. Member of MAGIC collaboration from 01-06-2020
7. Member of Auger collaboration

Management of editorial boards of journals:
1. Editor: Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. Astronomy from 01-122016
2. Editor in Chief, Cosmology section of the journal "Universe" (MDPI): from 01-09-2018


PIFI for Visiting Scientists, Awarded 2017

List of 10 selected publications :
1. Rodrigues, Davi C.; Marra, Valerio ; Del Popolo, Antonino ; Davari, Zahra, Absence of a
fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies, Nature Astronomy, Volume 2, p. 668-672
2. Rodrigues, Davi C.; Marra, Valerio ; Del Popolo, Antonino ; Davari, Zahra, 2018, Reply
to `Presence of a fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies' and `A common Milgromian
acceleration scale in nature', Nature Astronomy, Volume 2, p. 927-929
3. Rodrigues, Davi C.; Marra, Valerio ; Del Popolo, Antonino ; Davari, Zahra, 2020, Reply to:
Overcon dence in Bayesian analyses of galaxy rotation curves, Nature Astronomy, Volume
4, p. 134-135

4. Acciari et al., 2022, Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by
gamma rays, Nature Astronomy, Volume 6, p. 689-697
5. Del Popolo, Antonino ; Le Delliou, Morgan, 2017, Small Scale Problems of the CDM
Model: A Short Review, Galaxies, vol. 5, issue 1, p. 17
6. Del Popolo, A., 2009, The Cusp/Core Problem and the Secondary Infall Model, The
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 698, Issue 2, pp. 2093-2113
7. Del Popolo, A., 2014, Nonbaryonic Dark Matter in Cosmology, International Journal of
Modern Physics D, Volume 23, Issue 3, id. 1430005
8. Abe et al. 2023, Search for Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation up
to 100 TeV toward the Galactic Center with MAGIC, Physical Review Letters, Volume
130, Issue 6, article id.061002
9. Del Popolo, A., 2007, Dark matter, density perturbations, and structure formation, Astronomy
Reports, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp.169-196
10. Del Popolo, A., 2012, Density pro le slopes of dwarf galaxies and their environment,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 419, Issue 2, pp. 971-984.

Invited talks:
1. Prompt cusp formation via the gravitational collapse and angular momentum, Institute of
astronomy of academy of sciences, Sofia
2. A high precision semi-analytic mass function, September 2017, IMP-CAS, Lanzhou, China
3. Del Popolo, A. 2016,Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, April
25-30, 2016, A uni ed solution to the small scale problems of the CDM model
4. Del Popolo, A. 2015, Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XI,
Palermo, May 25-30, Palermo, The small scale problems of the LambdaCDM model
5. Del Popolo, A. 2014, Challenges in Modern Cosmology: Dark Matter and Dark Energy,
May 05-09, 2014, Natal, Brazil (organizers:Joshua Frieman, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco,
Joseph Silk): The small scale problems of the LambdaCDM model
6. Del Popolo, A., 2013, Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, April
22-27, 2013, Kiev: Small scale problems of the CDM model
7. Frascati Workshop 2013, Vulcano, Italy, 27 May-1 June, Dark Matter and Dark Energy:
State of the art
8. Del Popolo, A., Iag-Usp seminars, 26/09/2013, The Cusp/Core problem (in Portuguese)
DARK MATTER, AND DARK ENERGY, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, December
3rd - 7th, 2012: Non-Baryonic Dark Matter in Cosmology
10. Del Popolo, A., 2011, Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, May
2-7, 2011, Kiev: On the non universality of surface density of galaxies
11. Del Popolo, A., Dark Matter Awareness Week, 1-8 December 2010, Dark Matter in Galaxies.
12. "Theoretical improvements in the M-T and L-T relations in mass function and e ects on
the value of Omega", Innsbruck, 12/06/2006
13. "Theoretical improvements in the mass function and in the M-T relation and constraints
on cosmological parameter", Torino, September 2004
14. "Formation of structure in the Universe", 01/11/2001, Fatih University, Istanbul
15. "Extrasolar planetary systems: observational evidence and theoretical problems", Workshop
on: Classical and new scenarios on evolution of solar system, Bergamo, October 20
and 21 , 2001
16. Computational experiments with ABS algorithms for determined, underdetermined, overdetermined
and KKT linear systems, III international conference on ABS algorithms, CAS
(Chinese Accademy of Science), Beijing, 13-14/May/2001
17. Modelli di migrazione planetaria e GAIA, 8/02/2001, Incontro su missioni ESA, Agenzia
Spaziale Italiana (ASI) (Planetary migration models and the GAIA mission, 8/02/2001,
Meeting on ESA missions)
18. "Extrasolar Planets", 18/01/2001, Feza Gursey Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
19. "Non-radial motions and the large scale structure in the universe", 30/05/2000, Bogazici
University, Istanbul, Turkey
20. "Large scale structure in the universe", 23/11/2000, Feza Gursey Institute, Istanbul,
21. "Extrasolar Planets", 23/12/2000, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
22. "Clusters of galaxies formation and evolution", I summer school of U.E.F.S. (Universidade
Estadual de Feira de Santana), 25/01-05/02 1999 Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil

Journals referee
Referee of: Nature, Science, The Astrophysical Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, The
Physics of the dark universe.


Scientific Publications

Author of about 200 scientific publications. 

Refereed papers:
1. Fakhry, Saeed ; Farhang, Marzieh ; Del Popolo, Antonino, Toward more realistic mass
functions for ultradense dark matter halos, 2024, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume
46, id.101544
2. Abdul H. a., Impact of the magnetic horizon on the interpretation of the Pierre Auger Observatory
spectrum and composition data, 2024, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle
Physics, Volume 2024, Issue 07, id.094, 31 pp.
3. Abe S., et al., Constraints on Lorentz invariance violation from the extraordinary Mrk 421

flare of 2014 using a novel analysis method, 2024, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle
Physics, Volume 2024, Issue 07, id.044, 22 pp.
4. Abdul H. A., et al., Testing hadronic-model predictions of depth of maximum of air-shower
pro les and ground-particle signals using hybrid data of the Pierre Auger Observatory,
2024, Physical Review D, Volume 109, Issue 10, article id.102001
5. Abe, H. et al., Constraints on axion-like particles with the Perseus Galaxy Cluster with
MAGIC, 2024, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 44, id.101425
6. Del Popolo, A., Fakhry, S., Prompt Cusp Formation and Angular Momentum, 2024, Astronomy
Reports, Volume 68, Issue 1, p.19-26
7. Del Popolo, A., On the Influence of Angular Momentum and Dynamical Friction on Structure
Formation: III. The Effect of Dark Energy, 2024, Astronomy Reports, Volume 68,
Issue 1, p.11-18
8. Abe, S., et al., Insights into the broadband emission of the TeV blazar Mrk 501 during the
rst X-ray polarization measurements, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 685, id.A117,
18 pp.
9. Abdul, H. A. et al. , Constraints on metastable superheavy dark matter coupled to sterile
neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory, 2024, Physical Review D, Volume 109, Issue
8, article id.L081101
10. Abe, S., et al. Performance and rst measurements of the MAGIC stellar intensity interferometer,
2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 529, Issue 4,
11. Abe, H. et al., The variability patterns of the TeV blazar PG 1553 + 113 from a decade
of MAGIC and multiband observations, 2024, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, Volume 529, Issue 4, pp.3894-3911
12. Hashim, Mahmoud ; El-Zant, Amr A. ; Del Popolo, Antonino, Building stellar bulges and
halo cores from massive clumps observed in the DYNAMO-HST sample, 2024, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 529, Issue 3, pp.2702-2715
13. Abe, S., et al., First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to
very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements, 2024,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 684, id.A127, 24 pp.
14. Del Popolo, A., Chan, Man Ho, On the time dependency of a0, 2024, Physics of the Dark
Universe, Volume 43, article id. 101393.
15. Abdul Halim, A., et al., Demonstrating Agreement between Radio and Fluorescence Measurements
of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory,
2024, Physical Review Letters, Volume 132, Issue 2, article id.021001
16. Abdul Halim, A., Radio measurements of the depth of air-shower maximum at the Pierre
Auger Observatory, 2024, Physical Review D, Volume 109, Issue 2, article id.022002
17. Abe et al., MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1.1, 2024, MNRAS 527, 5856
18. Deliyergiyev, M., Del Popolo, A., Le Delliou, M., Neutron star mass in dark matter clumps,
2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2024, MNRAS 527,4483
19. Abe, H, et al., MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1:1, 2023, Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI 10.1093/mnras/stad2958
20. Abdul Halim, A., AugerPrime surface detector electronics, 2023, Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 18, Issue 10, id.P10016, 31 pp.
21. Del Popolo, A., Fakhry, S., 2023, On the e ect of angular momentum on the prompt cusp
formation via the gravitational collapse, Physics of the Dark Universe 41, 101259
22. Halim, A. A., 2023, Search for Ultra-high-energy Photons from Gravitational Wave Sources
with the Pierre Auger Observatory, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 952, Issue 1, id.91,
11 pp.
23. Abe, H. et al, 2023, Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically
Low X-Ray and gamma-Ray Activity, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266:37
24. Del Popolo, A., 2023, SPARC HSBs, and LSBs, the surface density of dark matter haloes,
and MOND, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 40, article id. 101203
25. Halim, A., A., 2023, Constraining the sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays across and
above the ankle with the spectrum and composition data measured at the Pierre Auger
Observatory, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2023, Issue 05,
id.024, 51 pp.
26. Abreu, P., et al., 2023, Search for photons above 10^19 eV with the surface detector of the
Pierre Auger Observatory, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2023,
Issue 05, id.021, 25 pp.
27. Fedorova, Elena, Del Popolo, Antonino, 2023, 3C 120 Disk/Corona vs. Jet Variability in
X-rays, Universe, vol. 9, issue 5, p. 212
28. Saeed, F., Del Popolo, A., 2023, E ect of a high-precision semianalytical mass function on
the merger rate of primordial black holes in dark matter halos, Physical Review D, Volume
107, Issue 6, article id.063507
29. Abe, H., et al., 2023, Search for Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation
up to 100 TeV toward the Galactic Center with MAGIC, Physical Review Letters, Volume
130, Issue 6, article id.061002
30. Abreu, P., et al., 2023, Limits to Gauge Coupling in the Dark Sector Set by the Nonobservation
of Instanton-Induced Decay of Super-Heavy Dark Matter in the Pierre Auger
Observatory Data, Physical Review Letters, Volume 130, Issue 6, article id.061001
31. Abe et al., 2023, MAGIC observations provide compelling evidence of hadronic multiTeV
emission from the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7, Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 671, id.A12, 12 pp.
32. Abe et al. 2023, Search for Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation up
to 100 TeV toward the Galactic Center with MAGIC, Physical Review Letters, Volume
130, Issue 6, article id.061002
33. Abreu et al. 2023, Cosmological implications of photon-
flux upper limits at ultrahigh
energies in scenarios of Planckian-interacting massive particles for dark matter, Physical
Review D, Volume 107, Issue 4, article id.042002
34. Acciari et al, 2023, A lower bound on intergalactic magnetic elds from time variability
of 1ES 0229+200 from MAGIC and Fermi/LAT observations, Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 670, id.A145, 8 pp.
35. Halim et al., A Catalog of the Highest-energy Cosmic Rays Recorded during Phase I of
Operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement
Series, Volume 264, Issue 2, id.50, 24 pp.
36. Acciari et al., Long-term multi-wavelength study of 1ES0647 + 250, 2023, Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Volume 670, id.A49, 20 pp.
37. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan, Surface Density of Disk Galaxies in MOND,
2023, Universe, vol. 9, issue 1, p. 32
38. Chan, Man Ho; Desai, Shantanu; Del Popolo, Antonino, There is no universal acceleration
scale in galaxies, 2022, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 74,
Issue 6, pp.1441-1452
39. Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A. et al., Gamma-ray observations of MAXI J1820+070 during
the 2018 outburst, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume
517, Issue 4, pp.4736-4751
40. Chan, Man Ho; Del Popolo, Antonino, The e ect of magnetic eld on the inner Galactic
rotation curve, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume
516, Issue 1, pp.L72-L75
41. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan, Splashback Radius in a Spherical Collapse
Model, 2022, Universe, vol. 8, issue 9, p. 462
42. Deliyergiyev, M.; Del Popolo, A.; Le Delliou, Morgan, Bounds from multimessenger astronomy
on the superheavy dark matter, 2022, Physical Review D, Volume 106, Issue 6,
article id.063002
43. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan; Chan, Man Ho, Non self-similar Luminositytemperature
relation and dynamical friction, 2022, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume
37, article id. 101110.
44. Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albury, J. M. et al., Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays above 32
EeV from Phase One of the Pierre Auger Observatory, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 935, Issue 2, id.170, 24 pp.
45. Albert, A.; Alves, S.; Andr, M. et al., Search for Spatial Correlations of Neutrinos with
Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 934, Issue 2,
id.164, 21 pp.
46. Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albury, J. M. et al., A Search for Photons with Energies Above
2 1017 eV Using Hybrid Data from the Low-Energy Extensions of the Pierre Auger
Observatory, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 933, Issue 2, id.125, 11 pp.
47. Adams, C. B.; Batista, P.; Benbow, W. et al., Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar
VER J0521+211 during an Elevated TeV Gamma-Ray State, 2022, The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 932, Issue 2, id.129, 17 pp.
48. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan, A Mass Dependent Density Pro le from Dwarfs
to Clusters, 2022, Galaxies, vol. 10, issue 3, p. 69
49. Acciari, V. A.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A. et al., Proton acceleration in thermonuclear
nova explosions revealed by gamma rays, 2022, Nature Astronomy, Volume 6, p. 689-697
50. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan; Deliyergiyev, Maksym, Corrigendum to "Cluster
density slopes from Dark Matter-Baryons Energy Transfer" [Phys. Dark Univ. 33
(2021) 100847], 2022, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 35, article id. 100910.
51. Acciari, V. A.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S. et al., Investigating the Blazar TXS 0506+056
through Sharp Multiwavelength Eyes During 2017-2019, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal,
Volume 927, Issue 2, id.197, 15 pp.
52. Del Popolo, Antonino; Chan, Man Ho, Improved Lemaitre-Tolman Model and the Mass
and Turn-around Radius in Group of Galaxies. II. The Role of Dark Energy, 2022, The
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 926, Issue 2, id.156, 10 pp.
53. Del Popolo, A.; Le Delliou, M., Barions and CDM Model Problems, 2022, Astronomy
Reports, Volume 66, Issue 2, p.102-115
54. Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albury, J. M. et al, Testing e ects of Lorentz invariance violation
in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory, 2022, Journal of
Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2022, Issue 01, id.023, 22 pp.
55. Fedorova, Elena; Hnatyk, Bohdan; Del Popolo, Antonino and 2 more, Non-Thermal Emission
from Radio-Loud AGN Jets: Radio vs. X-rays, 2022, Galaxies, vol. 10, issue 1, p.
56. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan, Review of Solutions to the Cusp-Core Problem
of the LambdaCDM Model, 2021, Galaxies, vol. 9, issue 4, p. 123
57. Del Popolo, Antonino ; Le Delliou, Morgan ; Deliyergiyev, Maksym, Cluster density slopes
from dark matter-baryons energy transfer, 2021, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 33,
article id. 100847
58. Del Popolo, A., Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio and Dark Matter Pro les, 2021, Astronomy
Reports, Volume 65, Issue 7, p.529-542
59. Del Popolo, A., On the Influence of Angular Momentum and Dynamical Friction on Structure
Formation. II. Turn-Around and Structure Mass, Astronomy Reports, Volume 65,
Issue 5, p.343-352
60. Del Popolo, Antonino; Deliyergiyev, Maksym; Chan, Man Ho, Improved Lemaitre-Tolman
model and the mass and turn-around radius in group of galaxies, 2021, Physics of the Dark
Universe, Volume 31, article id. 100780.
61. Del Popolo, Antonino; Chan, Man Ho, Turnaround radius in LambdaCDM and dark matter
cosmologies. II. The role of dynamical friction, 2020, Physical Review D, Volume 102,
Issue 12, article id.123510
62. Del Popolo, Antonino; Deliyergiyev, Maksym; Le Delliou, Morgan, Solution to the hyperon
puzzle using dark matter, 2020, PDU 3000622
63. Vasylenko, A.; Fedorova, E.; Del Popolo, A., Narrow-Line SY1 NGC 4748 in X-Rays:
Detailed Case-Study, 2020, ARep 64, 384
64. Del Popolo, Antonino; Deliyergiyev, Maksym; Le Delliou, Morgan; Tolos, Laura; Burgio,
Fiorella, On the change of old neutron star masses with galactocentric distance, 2020
Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 28, article id. 100484
65. Zhou, Yong; Del Popolo, A.; Chang, Zhe, On the absence of a universal surface density,
and a maximum Newtonian acceleration in dark matter haloes: Consequences for MOND,
2020, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 28, article id. 100468
66. Del Popolo, Antonino; Chan, Man Ho; Mota, David F., 2020, Turnaround radius in ?
CDM and dark matter cosmologies with shear and vorticity, PhRvD, 101h3505
67. Chan, Man Ho; Del Popolo, Antonino, The radial acceleration relation in galaxy clusters,
2020 MNRAS 492, 5865
68. Rodrigues, Davi C.; Marra, Valerio; Del Popolo, Antonino; Davari, Zahra, Reply to: Overcon dence
in Bayesian analyses of galaxy rotation curves, 2020 Nature Astronomy 4, 134
69. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee, Xiguo, 2019, Correlations in the matter
distribution in CLASH galaxy clusters, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 26, article
id. 100342.
70. Del Popolo, A. 2019, Non-Linear Moving Barrier and the Ordinary and Conditional Mass
Function, ARep 63, 1080
71. Del Popolo, A., 2019, Angular Momentum Distribution in Galaxies and Inner Haloes
Pro le, ARep 63, 971
72. Lima, J. A. S.; Del Popolo, A.; Plastino, A. R., 2019, Thermodynamic equilibrium in
general relativity, Physical Review D, Volume 100, Issue 10, article id.104042
73. Del Popolo, Antonino; Pace, Francesco; Mota, David F., Mass-temperature relation in
LambdaCDM and modi ed gravity, 2019, Physical Review D, Volume 100, Issue 2, id.024013
74. Del Popolo, A.; Lee, Xiguo, On the Inner Structure of Virialized Clusters, 2019ARep 63,
75. Deliyergiyev, Maksym; Del Popolo, Antonino; Tolos, Laura; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee,
Xiguo; Burgio, Fiorella, 2019, Dark compact objects: an extensive overview, 2019, Physical
Review D, Volume 99, Issue 6, id.063015
76. Rodrigues, Davi C.; Marra, Valerio; Del Popolo, Antonino; Davari, Zahra, 2018, Reply
to `Presence of a fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies' and `A common Milgromian
acceleration scale in nature, Nature Astronomy 2, 927
77. Pace, Francesco; Schimd, Carlo; Mota, David F.; Del Popolo, Antonino, 2018, Halo collapse:
virialization by shear and rotation in dynamical dark-energy models, 2019 JCAP
09, 060
78. Del Popolo, A.; Pace, Francesco; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee, Xiguo, 2018, Energy transfer
from baryons to dark matter as a uni ed solution to small-scale structure issues of the ?
CDM model,PRD, Volume 98, Issue 6, id.063517
79. Del Popolo, Antonino; Umetsu, Keiichi; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee, Xiguo, Correlations in
the matter distribution in CLASH galaxy clusters, Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume
26, article id. 100342
80. Del Popolo, A.; Lee, Xiguo, 2018 ARep...62..475, Deviations from Spherical Symmetry,
Typical Parameters of the Spherical Collapse Model, and Dark Energy Cosmologies
81. Davi C. Rodrigues, Valerio Marra, Antonino del Popolo, & Zahra Davari, 2018, Nature
Astronomy, Absence of a fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies
82. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee, Xiguo, 2018 Galax...6...67, On the Dwarf
Galaxy Rotation Curve Diversity Problem
83. Del Popolo, A.; Lee, Xi-Guo, 2017, ARep 61, 1003, On the Dark Matter Column Density
in Haloes
84. Hiotelis, Nicos; Del Popolo, Antonino, 2017A&A 607, 47, Mass functions from the excursion
set model
85. Del Popolo, A.; Lee, Xi-Guo, 2017, Improvements on a uni ed dark matter model, 2017AstL
43, 635
86. Rodrigues, Davi C.; del Popolo, Antonino; Marra, Valerio; de Oliveira, Paulo L. C., Evidence
against cuspy dark matter haloes in large galaxies, 2017, MNRAS 470, 2410
87. Del Popolo, A.; Li, Xi-Guo, Halo density pro les and baryon physics, 2017, astronomy
Reports 61, 631
88. Evslin, Jarah; Del Popolo, Antonino, Quantifying Departures from Equilibrium with the
Spherical Jeans Equation, 2017, ApJ 841, 90
89. Del Popolo, Antonino, A precise mass function in the excursion set approach, 2017, Open
Astronomy (OAst) 26, 26
90. Mehrabi, Ahmad; Pace, Francesco; Malekjani, Mohammad; Del Popolo, Antonino, Constraints
on shear and rotation with massive galaxy clusters, 2017, MNRAS 465, 2687
91. Del Popolo, Antonino; Pace, Francesco; Le Delliou, Morgan, A high precision semi-analytic
mass function, 2017, JCAP 03, 032
92. Hiotelis, Nicos; Del Popolo, Antonino, On the rst crossing distributions in fractional
Brownian motion and the mass function of dark matter haloes, 2017, JCAP 03, 017
93. Del Popolo, Antonino; Le Delliou, Morgan, Small Scale Problems of the CDM Model: A
Short Review, 2017 Galaxies 5, 17
94. Del Popolo, A., Lee, Xi-Guo, THE SURFACE DENSITY OF HALOES, Baltic Astronomy,
vol. 25, 195-209, 2016
MODEL, 2016, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 25, 211-223, 2016
96. Del Popolo, A., Saburova, A., Belvedere, G., The inner structure of dark matter haloes in
the Hubble sequence, 2016, IJMPD Vol. 25, Issue 10, 1650093
97. Del Popolo, A., On the dark matter haloes inner structure and galaxy morphology, 2016
Ap&SS 361, 222
98. Silva, J. M.; Lima, J. A. S.; de Souza, R. E.; Del Popolo, A.; Le Delliou, Morgan; Lee,
Xi-Guo, Chandrasekhar's dynamical friction and non-extensive statistics, 2016, JCAP 05,
99. Del Popolo, A.; Pace, F., The Cusp/Core problem: supernovae feedback versus the baryonic
clumps and dynamical friction model, 2016Ap&SS 361, 162
100. Fedorova, E.; Sliusar, V. M.; Zhdanov, V. I.; Alexandrov, A. N.; Del Popolo, A.; Surdej,
J. Gravitational microlensing as a probe for dark matter clumps, 2016, MNRAS 457, 4147
101. Del Popolo, A., Baryon physics and the missing satellites problem, 2015, BaltA 24, 277
102. Del Popolo, A., On the pseudo phase-space density of dark matter haloes and the universality
of density pro les, 2015, BaltA 24, 263
103. Saburova, A.; Del Popolo, A., On the surface density of dark matter haloes, 2014, MNRAS
445, 3512
104. Del Popolo, A.; Le Delliou, M., A uni ed solution to the small scale problems of the CDM
model II: introducing parent-satellite interaction, 2014, JCAP 12, 051
105. Pace, Francesco; Batista, Ronaldo C.; Del Popolo, Antonino, E ects of shear and rotation
on the spherical collapse model for clustering dark energy, 2014, MNRAS 445, 648
106. Babyk, Yu. V.; Del Popolo, A.; Vavilova, I. B., Chandra X-ray galaxy clusters at z < 1.4:
Constraints on the inner slope of the density pro les, 2014, ARep 58, 587
107. Del Popolo, A., The flat density pro les of massive, and relaxed galaxy clusters, 2014,
JCAP 07, 019
108. Del Popolo, A.; Lima, J. A. S.; Fabris, Julio C.; Rodrigues, Davi C. A uni ed solution to
the small scale problems of the LambdaCDM model, 2014, JCAP 04, 021
109. Del Popolo, A.; Hiotelis, N., Cusps and cores in the presence of galactic bulges, 2014,
JCAP 01, 047
110. Del Popolo, Antonino Nonbaryonic Dark Matter in Cosmology, 2014, IJMPD, Volume 23,
Issue 3, id. 1430005
111. Del Popolo, A., Improvements in the spherical collapse model and dark energy cosmologies,
2014BaltA 23, 189
112. Del Popolo, A., Angular Momentum in Dwarf Galaxies, 2014, BaltA 23, 111
113. Del Popolo, A., On the Mass Dependence of the Inner Slopes of Dark Matter Density
Pro les, 2014, BaltA 23, 55
114. Babyk, Iu.; Del Popolo, A., Correlations in Relaxed Clusters of Galaxies, 2014, BaltA, 23,
115. Del Popolo, A., Non-baryonic dark matter in cosmology, 2013, AIPC, 1548, 2
116. Hiotelis, Nicos, Del Popolo, Antonino, Anomalous di usion models for the formation of
dark matter haloes, 2013, MNRAS 436, 163
117. Del Popolo, A.; Pace, F.; Maydanyuk, S. P.; Lima, J. A. S.; Jesus, J. F., Shear and rotation
in Chaplygin cosmology, 2013, PhRvD 87, 043527
118. Del Popolo, A., Pace, F., Lima, J. A. S., 2013, IJMPD Volume 22, Issue 8, id. 1350038
119. Del Popolo, A., Pace, F., Lima, J. A. S., Spherical collapse model with shear and angular
momentum in dark energy cosmologies, 2013, MNRAS 430, 628
120. Del Popolo, A., Cardone, V. F., Belvedere, G., Surface density of dark matter haloes on
galactic and cluster scales, 2013, MNRAS 429, 1080
121. Cardone V. F., Del Popolo, A., Newtonian acceleration scales in spiral galaxies, 2012
MNRAS 427, 3176
122. Del Popolo, A., On the density-pro le slope of clusters of galaxies, 2012, MNRAS 424, 38
123. Del Popolo, A.; Cardone, V. F., Statistical properties of the dark matter haloes of dwarf
galaxies and correlations with the environment, 2012, MNRAS 423, 1060
124. Astashenok, Artyom V., Del Popolo, Antonino, Cosmological measure with volume averaging
and the vacuum energy problem, 2012, CQGra (Classical and Quantum Gravity,)
29, 5014
125. Del Popolo, A., On the non universality of surface density of galaxies, 2012, AASP 2, 53
126. Del Popolo, A., Density pro le slopes of dwarf galaxies and their environment, 2012,
MNRAS 419, 971
127. Cardone, V. F., Del Popolo, A., Tortora, C., Napolitano, N. R., Secondary infall model and
dark matter scaling relations in intermediate redshift early - type galaxies, 2011, MNRAS
416, 1822
128. Del Popolo, A., Non-power law behavior of the radial pro le of phase-space density of
halos, 2011, JCAP 07, 014
129. Cardone, V. F., Leubner, M. P., Del Popolo, A., Spherical galaxy models as equilibrium
con gurations in non-extensive statistics, 2011, MNRAS 414, 2265
130. Del Popolo, Costa V., Lanzafame G., Improvements in the X-ray luminosity function and
constraints on the cosmological parameters from X-ray luminous clusters, 2010A&A 514,
PROFILES, 2010, IJMPD Vol. 19, No. 5 (2010) 587-606
132. Costa, V.; Pirronello, V.; Belvedere, G.; Del Popolo, A.; Molteni, D.; Lanzafame, G.,
2010, How initial and boundary conditions a ect protoplanetary migration in a turbulent
sub-Keplerian accretion disc: 2D non-viscous SPH simulations, MNRAS 401, 2388
133. Del Popolo, A., On the universality of density pro les, 2010 MNRAS 408, 1808
134. A. Del Popolo, 2009, The Cusp/Core problem and the Secondary Infall Model, ApJ 698,
135. A. Del Popolo & P. Kroupa, 2009, Density pro les of dark matter haloes on galactic and
cluster scales, A&A 502, 733-747 (2009)
136. Hai-Shan Han, Antonino Del Popolo, Zun-Quan Xia An, 2009, An ABS algorithm for a
class of systems of stochastic linear equations, JAMC, 2009, Vol 31, N. 1-2, 533 { 542
137. Cardone F., Del Popolo A., Kroupa P., 2009, Angular momentum transfer and the size mass
relation in early - type galaxies, 400, 766-774
138. Spedicato E., Bonomi M. and Del Popolo A., ABS Solution of equations of second kind
and application to the primal-dual interior point method for linear programming, 2008,
IJOR (Iranian Journal of Operation Research), Volume 1, Number 1, 5
139. Del Popolo A., 2007, On the nature of gravitational forces, International Journal of Modern
Physics D 16, N. 8, 1349-1368
140. Del Popolo A., 2007, The cosmological mass function , Astronomy Reports, Vol. 51, N. 9,
141. Del Popolo, A., 2007, Dark matter, density perturbations and structure formation, Astronomy
Reports 51, n. 3, 169-196
142. Del Popolo, A., 2006, Improvements to the Spherical Collapse Model, International Journal
of Modern Physics D 15, 1067
143. Del Popolo A., 2006, Non self-similarity in cosmological scaling laws, International Journal
of Modern Physics D 15, 805
144. Del Popolo A., 2006, Some improvements to the spherical collapse model, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 454, 17
145. Del Popolo A., 2006, Evolution of the cosmological mass function in a moving barrier
model, The Astronomical Journal, 131, 2367
146. Del Popolo A., The excursion set approach, and a model for the multiplicity function,
2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 448, 439-446.
147. Del Popolo A., On the Average Comoving Number Density of Halos, 2006, The Astrophysical
Journal 637, 12
148. Del Popolo A., A new model for the multiplicity function, 2005, Baltic Astronomy, 14, 577
149. Del Popolo A., Ercan N., Yesilyurt S. Orbital migration and the period distribution of
exoplanets, 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics 436, 363.
150. Bass R., Del Popolo A., Dynamical derivation of Bode's Law, 2005, International Journal
of Modern Physics D, 2005, Vol. 14, No.1, 153-169
151. Del Popolo A., Ercan N., 2005, Constraints on Cosmological Parameters by the X-Ray
Luminosity and Temperature Functions of Galaxy Clusters, Baltic Astronomy, 14, 571
152. Del Popolo A., An improved model for the multiplicity function, 2005, International Journal
of Modern Physics D 14, 1779
153. Hiotelis N., Del Popolo A., On the reliability of merger-trees and the mass growth histories
of dark matter halos, 2005, Astrophysics and Space Sciences 301: 167-177
154. Del Popolo A., Hiotelis N., Penarrubia J., A Theoretical Study of the Luminosity Temperature
Relation for Clusters of Galaxies, 2005, The Astrophysical Journal 628, 76
155. Del Popolo A., N. Ercan, N. Hiotelis, Gravitational collapse and non-self-similarity in the
L-T relation, 2005, International Journal of Modern Physics D 14, 849
156. Del Popolo A., N. Ercan and I. S. Yesilyurt, Cosmological constraints from clustering
properties of galaxy clusters, 2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 771
157. Del Popolo, N. Ercan, Constraints to cosmological parameters through clusters evolution,
2004, IAU colloquium 195
158. Del Popolo A., Improvements in the M-T relation and mass function and the measured Omega_m through clusters evolution, 2003, The Astrophysical Journal 599, 723-737

159. A. Del Popolo, 2003, Numerical tests of dynamical friction, Astronomy and Astrophysics
406, 1.
160. E. Spedicato, E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, ABS Methods and ABSPACK
for Linear Systems and Optimization, a Review, 2003, 4OR 1: 51-66
161. Yesilyurt S., Ercan N., Del Popolo A., Planetary migration in evolving planetesimals discs,
2003, International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 12, No. 8 (2003) 1399-1414
162. Del Popolo, A., Yesilyurt, S., Ercan, E. N., Evolution of planetesimal discs and planetary
migration, 2003, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society 339, 556
163. Del Popolo A., Measuring Omega_m using clusters evolution, 2003, A&A 408, 43-49

164. Del Popolo, A., 2002, The mass and temperature functions in a moving barrier model,
2002, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society 337, 529
165. Del Popolo, A., 2002, A theoretical study of the mass temperature relation for clusters of
galaxies, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society 336, 81
166. Del Popolo, A., 2002, On the evolution of aspherical perturbations in the universe, 2002,
Astronomy and Astrophys 387, 759
167. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M, E. N. Ercan, Dynamical evolution of clusters of galaxies: the
e ect of high-velocity substructure clumps, 2002, International Journal of Modern Physics
A, Vol. 17, pp. 187 - 204
168. Del Popolo, A., Eksi, Y., 2002, Migration of giant planets in a time-dependent accretion
disc, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society 332, 485
169. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 2002, High velocity clumps and cluster of galaxies evolution,
2001, Baltic Astronomy, Vol. 11, no. 1.
170. Del Popolo, A., 2001, The pair-wise velocity dispersion of galaxies: e ects of non radial
motions, 2001, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society 326, 667.
171. Del Popolo, A., E. N. Ercan, Z. Q. Xia, 2001, Ellipsoidal collapse and previrialization, The
Astronomical Journal 122, 487
172. Bodon, E., Del Popolo, A., Luksan, L., Spedicato, E.,2001, Computational experiments
with ABS algorithms for KKT systems, Optimization Methods and Software 16, Numbers
(1-4), 85-99 2001
173. Del Popolo, A., 2001, Pro les of dark-matter haloes at high redshift, Monthly Notices of
The Royal Accademic Society 325, 119
174. Del Popolo, A., 2001, The e ects of shear and rotation anisotropy upon the process of
gravitational instability, 2001, Baltic Astronomy, Vol. 10, n. 4, 629
175. Del Popolo, A., Gambera M., Ercan, N., 2001, Migration of giant planets in planetesimals
discs, 2001, Monthly Notices of The Royal Accademic Society, 325, 1402
176. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Spedicato, E., Recami, E., 2000, Density pro les of dark
matter halos in an improved secondary infall model, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 353,
177. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 2000, Non radial motions and the shapes and the abundance
of clusters of galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 357, 809-815
178. Spedicato, E., Del Popolo, A., 2000, Dynamical evolution of a collinear planetary system,
Aeon Y, 6, 14-20
179. Bodon, E., Del Popolo, A., Luksan, L., Spedicato, E.,2000, Computatational experiments
with ABS algorithms for overdetermined linear systems, BIT Numerical Mathematics
180. Spedicato, E., Bodon, E., Del Popolo A., Xia Z., 2000, ABS algorithms for linear systems
and optimization: a review and bibliography, Ricerca Operativa, Vol. 29, n. 89, page 39
181. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1999, The e ect of non-radial motions on the X-ray temperature
distribution function and the two-point correlation function of clusters, Astronomy
and Astrophysics 344, 17.
182. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Recami, E., Tonin-Zanchin, V., 1999, The strong coupling
constant, Heavy Ion Physics (Acta Phys Hung NS-H), Vol. 10 (1999) No. 4, 345-349.
183. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1999, The statistics of the gravitational eld arising from
an inhomogeneous system of particles, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 342, 34.
184. Del Popolo, A., Spedicato, E., Gambera, M., 1999, Kuiper belt evolution due to dynamical
friction, Astronomy and Astrophysics 350, 685
185. Del Popolo, A., Takahashi, Y., Kiuchi, H., Gambera, M., 1999, Non-local bias and the
problem of large-scale power in the SCDM model, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 348, 667
186. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M, 1998, Tidal torques and the clusters of galaxies evolution,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 337, 96
187. Spedicato, E., Del Popolo, A., 1998, Equilibrium distances of a collinear planetary system,
188. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M.,Antonuccio-Delogu V., 1998, The collapse of a spherical
density perturbation in presence of dynamical friction, Astronomical and Astrophysical
Transaction, Vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 127-131.
189. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1997, Substructure e ects on the collapse of density perturbations,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 321, 691.
190. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1996, Peak mass and dynamical friction, Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 308, 373-375.
191. Colafrancesco, S., Antonuccio V., Del Popolo, A., 1995, On the dynamical origin of bias
in clusters of galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, 455, 32-36.
192. Del Popolo, A., 1996, Stochastic force in gravitational systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics,
1996, 305, 999-1004.
193. Del Popolo, A., 1996, The fluuctuating gravitational eld in inhomogeneous and clustered
self-gravitating systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1996, 311, 715-720.

Conference papers:
1. Del Popolo, A, Conference: "Astronomy and Space Physics", Kyiv (Ukraine) May 27-29,
2020, "Absence of a fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies"
2. Del Popolo, A., Deliyergiyev, M., Le Delliou, M., Tolos, L., Burgio, F., Can Pulsars in the
inner parsecs from Galactic Centre probe the existence of Dark Matter?, Proceedings of
Science (EPS-HEP 2019) 098,
3. Del Popolo, A., Neutron star structure due to dark matter trapping, Partially Ionised
Plasmas in Astrophysics PIPA2019, 3-7 June 2019
4. Del Popolo, A., Lambda CDM model issues, Conference: ELFT Summer School, Astroparticle
Physics, September 3 - 7, 2018, Location: Matrahaza Holiday Resort of the
5. Del Popolo, A., 2017, Large Telescopes and the small scale problems of the CDM model,
Conference: Shedding light on the Dark Universe with Extremely Large Telescopes, IMPCAS,
China, 30 August-2 September 2017
6. Del Popolo, A. 2016,Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, April
25-30, 2016, A uni ed solution to the small scale problems of the CDM model
7. Del Popolo, A. 2015, Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XI,
Palermo, May 25-30, Palermo, The small scale problems of the LambdaCDM model
8. Del Popolo, A. 2015, Cosmology and First Light a Lagrange Institute Conference at the
Institut d'astrophysique de Paris (IAP), December 7-10, 2015
9. Challenges in Modern Cosmology: Dark Matter and Dark Energy, (organizers:Joshua Frieman,
J. A. de Freitas Pacheco, Joseph Silk): The small scale problems of the LambdaCDM
model, May 05-09, 2014, Instituto International de Fisica, Natal, Brazil
10. Small scale issues of the standard model of cosmology, "Cosmology, Large Scale Structure
and First Objects", Sao Paulo University, 4-7/02/2013
11. Del Popolo, A., 2013, Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, April
22-27, 2013, Kiev: Small scale problems of the CDM model
12. Del Popolo, A., IX Mexican school of the gravitation and mathematical division, Cosmology
for the XXI century: In
ation, dark matter, and dark energy, Puerto Vallarta,
Jalisco, Mexico, December 3rd-7th, 2012: (published as "Non-Baryonic Dark Matter in
Cosmology", 2013, AIPC, 1548, 2
13. The Cusp/Core problem, Instituto de Astronomia e Geo sica- Universidade Estadual de
San Paulo, , 26/09/2012
14. Del Popolo, A., 2011, Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics,
May 2-7, 2011, Kiev: On the non universality of surface density of galaxies, Advances in
Astronomy and Space Physics, Vol. 2, p.53-55
15. Del Popolo, A., 2011, in "Frontier Objects of Astrophysics and Particle Physics", F. Giovannelli
& G. Mannocchi (eds.), Societa' Italiana di Fisica, Editrice Compositori, Bologna,
Italy, Vol. 103, pp. 181-186.
16. Costa, V.; Pirronello, V.; Belvedere, G.; Del Popolo, A.; Lanzafame, G. Interactions
between an asteroid type body and a protoplanet within a protoplanetary accretion disc:
3D SPH simulations, 2010, MSAIS 14, 165
17. Costa, V.; Pirronello, V.; Belvedere, G.; Del Popolo, A.; Lanzafame, G. Mutual interactions
of two planetary objects in a protoplanetary accretion disc: 2D SPH simulations, 2010,
MSAIS 14, 161
18. Costa, V.; Pirronello, V.; Belvedere, G.; Del Popolo, A.; Molteni, D.; Lanzafame, G.
Evolution of the orbit of an asteroid type body within a protoplanetary accretion disc: 3D
SPH simulations, 2010, MmSAI 14, 157
19. A. Del Popolo, 2010, FRASCATI WORKSHOP 2010 (Frontier Objects in Astrophysics
and Particle Physics), The CUSP/CORE Problem: a Model for Structures on Galactic
and Extragalactic Scales, Vulcano (Italy) 24-29 May 2010; printed in Mem. S.A.It.
20. A. Del Popolo, 2010, The CDM Cusp/Core problem, 10-th International Gamow Summer
School - Conference, 23-28 August, 2010, Odessa, Ukraine
21. Del Popolo, A., Dark Matter Awareness Week, 1-8 December 2010, Dark Matter in Galaxies.
22. V. Costa, V. Pirronello, G. Belvedere, A. Del Popolo, G.Lanzafame, 2010, Interactions
between an asteroid type body and a protoplanet within a protoplanetary accretion disc:
3D SPH simulations, Proceedings of the 53th
congress of the Italian Astronomical Society,
Pisa 4-8 Maggio 2009. Published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplementi"
23. V. Costa, V. Pirronello, G. Belvedere, A. Del Popolo, G.Lanzafame, 2010, Mutual interactions
of two planetary objects in a protoplanetary accretion disc: 2D SPH simulations,
Proceedings of the 53th
congress of the Italian Astronomical Society, Pisa 4-8 Maggio 2009.
Published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Supplementi"
24. A. Del Popolo, 2009, Constraints on the Cosmological parameters by means of the clusters
mass function, FRASCATI WORKSHOP 2009, Vulcano (Italy), May 25 - 30; Mem. S.A.It.
Vol. 81, 157
25. A. Del Popolo, 2009, Recent Advances in Cosmology, Potsdam, Germany, September 21 September
25 (
26. V. Costa, V. Pirronello, G. Belvedere, A. Del Popolo, D. Molteni, G.Lanzafame, 2010,
Evolution of the orbit of an asteroid type body within a protoplanetary accretion disc: 3D
SPH simulations, Proceedings of the 53th
congress of the Italian Astronomical Society, Pisa
4-8 Maggio 2009. Published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Supplementi"
27. V. Costa, V. Pirronello, G. Belvedere, A. Del Popolo, D. Molteni, G.Lanzafame, 2D SPH
simulations of a single planet migration in a protoplanetary disc, Proceedings of the 53
congress of the Italian Astronomical Society, Pisa 4-8 Maggio 2009. Published in Memorie
della Societa' Astronomica Italiana - Supplementi"
28. A. Del Popolo, 2006, Dynamical evolution of Kuiper Belt, pdf le at:
29. Del popolo, A., 2004, Constraints to cosmological parameters through cluster evolution
Authors, Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs. Edited by Antonaldo
Diaferio, IAU Colloquium n. 195, p.319-321
30. A. Del Popolo, 2003, Planetary migration in protoplanetary discs, ASP conference series,
18-21 June 2002 @ Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C., USA eds. Drake Deming
and Sara Seager Print ISBN: 1-58381-141-9, e-Book ISBN: 978-1-58381-629-5)
31. Del Popolo A., The mass temperature relation for clusters of galaxies, 2003xseh.proc..307,
(XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe, held at MPE Garching, March 11-13,
2002. Edited by G. Hasinger, Th. Boller, and A.N. Parmer, MPE Report 281, 2003, p.
32. Del Popolo, A., 2001, On the statistics of the gravitational eld, Proceedings of the international
conference "Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy III", July 18-21, 2001,
The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, Usa, edited by Eric D.
Feigelson and G. Jogesh Babu. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003., p.411
33. Hai-Shan Han, Zun-Quan Xia, A. Del Popolo, 2001, An ABS Algorithm for a Class of
Systems of Stochastic Linear Equations, III international conference on ABS methods;
CAS (Chinese Accademy of Sciences), Beijing, 13-14/05/2001
34. Xing Li, Ying Liu, A. Del Popolo, 2001, C++ Codes of Implicit Lu Algorithms for Absdll01,
III international conference on ABS methods; CAS (Chinese Accademy of Sciences),
Beijing, 13-14/05/2001
35. Spedicato E., Xia Z., Bodon E., Del Popolo A., 2000, ABS algorithms for linear equations
and ABSPACK, Proceedings of the conference related to the project: Progetto CoFin97:
"Numerical Analysis: Methods and Mathematical Software", Ferrara, Italy, 19-21 January
2000. Ann. Univ. Ferrara -Sez. VII Sc. Mat., 14, 1-21
36. Bodon E., Del Popolo A., Luksan L., Spedicato S., 2000, Numerical performance of ABS
codes for nonlinear systems of equations, Report DMSIA 22/2000, University of Bergamo
37. Bodon E., Del Popolo A., Luksan L., Spedicato S., 2000, Computational experiments
with ABS algorithms for determined and underdetermined linear systems (report DMSIA
38. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1999, The e ect of non-radial motions on the CDM model
predictions, Proceedings of " VIII Conference on Theoretical Physics: General Relativity
and Gravitation" BISTRITZA - June 15-18 1998 - Romania, Mirton Publ. House,
Timisoara, 1999, p. 88
39. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1999, Dark matter halos in a secondary infall model Proceedings
of " IX Conference on Theoretical Physics: General Relativity and Gravitation"
Iasi-Timisoara - 24-27 May 1999- Romania, p. 11.
40. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Tidal torques dynamical friction and the structure of clusters
of galaxies, 1999, IAUS, 183, 245. Proceedings of the International IAU Symposium 183
"Cosmological Parameters and Evolution of the Universe, (Kyoto, Japan - August 18-22
1997), Edited by Katsuhiko Sato. Publisher: Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999.
41. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., 1999, Non-radial motions and the large scale structure of
the Universe, Proceedings of the International Conference IGRAP99: Clustering at high
redshift, Marseille 29/06-02/07 1999. A.S.P. Conf. Ser., volume 200, page 148, edited by
A. Mazure, O. Le Fevre, and V. Le Brun.
42. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Recami, E., Tonin-Zanchin, V., 1999, The strong coupling
Biannual International (BGL) Conference Nyiregyha'za (Hungary), July 7 - 10, 1999.
43. Spedicato, E., Bodon, E., Del Popolo A., Rudzinska, K., Kormanski, H., 1999, Modellizzazione
ed ottimizzazione di emissioni e consumi in motori di veicoli stradali (Models
for the optimization of emission and consumption in road vehicles engines),in Proceedings
of the Conference "Second Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti, Rome, November 1999 (CD
44. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., X-ray temperature distribution function of clusters in presence
of large non-radial motions, D.N. Vulcanov, I.I. Cotaescu (editors) - "New theoretical
results in gravity and general relativity", Proceedings of the VII-the conference on Theoretical
physics - General Relativity and Gravitation, Bistrita, Romania, 1997, Mirton Publ.
House, Timisoara, 1998 - ISBN : 973-578-535-8, page 69.
45. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Tonin-Zanchin, V., Recami E., 1999, About some Regge{
like relations for (stable) black holes, Proceedings of the International Conference " NONEUCLIDEAN
1997 - Ukraine, Edited by L.Jenkovszky, Kiev, 1997, pp. 173-182
46. Del Popolo, A., Gambera, M., Antonuccio-Delogu V., 1996, The influence of dynamical
friction on the collapse of a spherical density perturbation, Memorie italiane Astr. Soc.,
1996, 67, no 4, 959
47. Antonuccio, V., Colafrancesco, S., Del Popolo, A., 1994, Substructure, dynamical friction
and the origin of gravitational bias in hierarchical clustered cosmological models, Memorie
italiane Astr. Soc., 1995, vol. 66-1, 195

Review (invited) Papers:

1. Del Popolo, A., Le Delliou, M., On the small scale problems of the CDM model: a short
review, 2016 Galaxies
2. Del Popolo, A., Non-baryonic dark matter in cosmology, 2013, AIPC, 1548, 2
3. The cosmological mass function theory, 2006, Transworld Research Network 37/661 (2),
Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India, Recent Res. Devel. Physics, 6(2005): ISBN:
4. A. Del Popolo, 2003, Dark matter, and structure formation, Research Signpost 37/661
(2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India; Recent Res. Devel. Astronomy &
Astrophysics, 1 (2003); 187-217
5. V. Damgov, D. Gotchev, E. Spedicato, A. Del Popolo, 2003, N-body Gravitational Interactions:
A General View and Some Heuristic Problems", invited paper. Development series',
Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India; Recent Res.
Devel. astronomy & Astrophysics, 1 (2003); 155-186


Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

Il Dr.Antonino Del Popolo suo interesse principale e' la Cosmologia Fisica. Il Dr. Del Popolo si è anche interessato dello studio delle forze stocastiche in sistemi gravitazionali, e di modelli di migrazione in sistemi planetari extra-solari. Recentemente si è occupato degli effetti dei barioni sulle predizioni del modello CDM su piccole scale mostrando come la fisica dei barioni possa risolvere i punti deboli del modello ΛCDM sulla scala del kpc.  Infine si sta occupando del ruolo della materia oscura sulla struttura di oggetti compatti.  

Il Prof. Del Popolo è autore di oltre 200 lavori con  h-index (generale) 38 e h-index primo autore pari a 29 (i.e., i lavori non sono stati prodotti in grandi collaborazioni, ed il primo autore e' in quasi tutti gli articoli il Dr. Del Popolo)