Current position: PhD student in Physics, Curriculum "Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics", University of Catania.
2021-2024: Master Degree in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, University of Catania. Final grade: 110/110 Cum Laude. Thesis in Nuclear Physics with title: ”Study of the 48 Ti(18 O,18 Ne)48 Ca double charge exchange reaction at 15 MeV/u for the NUMEN project”.
2017-2021: Bachelor Degree in Physics, University of Catania. Final grade: 107/110. Thesis in Nuclear Physics with title: ”Measurement of the residual strong interaction
among hadrons”.
2017-2021: Bachelor Degree in Flute, Musical Institute Vincenzo Bellini, Catania. Final grade 110/110 Cum Laude. Thesis title: ”The art of interpretation”
2017: Scientific Diploma, Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei - T. Campailla, Modica (RG)
Study of 76 Se(18 O,18 Ne)76 Ge double charge exchange reaction for the NUMEN project