Rosaria Galvagno
Tutor: Riccardo REITANO
October 2022: Ph.D. in materials science and nanotechnology (XXXVIII cycle) at the University of Catania. Tutors: Prof. Riccardo Reitano/Prof. Anna Maria Gueli.
July 2022: Master's degree in Physics, University of Catania. Thesis "Radiological and dosimetric characterization of 3D printing materials". Supervisors: Prof. Giuseppe Stella and Prof. Anna Maria Gueli.
January-May 2022: Fellowship granted by Sicilian Center for Nuclear Structure of Matter (CSFNSM). Project title: Dosimetric characterization of materials for the fabrication of 3D phantoms for quality control in radiation therapy.
March 2019: Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Catania. Thesis "Metabolic radiotherapy and treatment of bone metastasis with Samarium-153". Supervisor: Prof. Anna Maria Gueli.
Luminescence characterization of natural crystals in historical mortar
Bonilla, K., D’Anna, A., Galvagno, R., Gueli, A. M., Pasquale, S., Politi, G., Stella, G. Quality Assurance for dosimetric measurements of mortar on polymineral fine grain fraction. 2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Florence, Italy, December 4-6, 2019
Zirone, L., Bonanno, E., Borzì, G., Cavalli, N., D'Anna, A., Galvagno, R., Girlando, A., Gueli,A.M., Pace, M., Stella, G., Marino. C. HyperArcTM dosimetric validation for multiple targetsusing ionization chamber and RT-100 polymer gel. 2022 Gels - Special Issue; Gel Dosimetry,In Press, 31 July 2022