Soumia El Boumlasy
Tutor: Antonio TERRASI
First Name-Surname: Soumia EL BOUMLASY
Address: Via Caronda 446, Catania, Italy
Nationality: Moroccan
Date of birth: 15/12/1994
Institution: Department of Chemical Sciences (DSC) of the University of Catania, Italy
Telephone (mobile): +393513826223
Email: soumiaelboumlasy@gmail.com
Department of Chemical Sciences (DSC) of the University of Catania, Italy
Research fellow in Chemistry in "Development of diagnostic protocols by means of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry funded in the framework of the project ” D.R. 2032 – 17/06/2022 - Study of Samples through Mass Spectrometry of Secondary Ions”; UPB: 51725152056; Scientific Responsible Prof. Nunzio Tuccitto
2019 February – May Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of sciences of Tetouan, Morocco
Mentoring students of first year (tutoring activity) in “Atomic chemistry” and “Thermodynamics”
2018 October - 2019 January Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of sciences of Tetouan, Morocco
Mentoring students of first year (tutoring activity) in analytic chemistry and electrochemistry.
2018 March – June Laboratory of faculty of sciences of Tetouan, Morocco
Mentoring students in practical work of chemical engineering
July 2017 Master degree in Chemical Industry. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of sciences of Tetouan, Morocco. Experimental thesis in Chemical engineering: Valorisation agricole des déchets de crevettes (Agricultural valorization of shrimp waste). Supervisor: Prof. Abderrahmane Debdoubi
Evaluation: ‘Assez bien’ (admission mark to the final exam: 12.677/20). Equivalent to 105/110 in the Italian Education System.
Moroccan grading system
Grade Description GPA equivalent US
15+ Très bien (very good) 4.00 A
13-14.9 Bien (good) 3.67 A-
12-12.9 Assez bien (quite good) 3.33 B+
11-11.9 Passable (satisfactory) 2.67 B
10-10.9 Moyen (sufficient) 2.00 C
0.0-9.9 Insuffisant (insufficient) 0.00 F
All Moroccan universities use a 20-point grading scale. Any score over 10 is considered a passing grade; very few students average higher than 14 across all subjects. Students must score above 50 percent on end-of-year written and oral examinations to progress to the next year of studies. The proportion of students required to repeat a year is high, especially in the first year of studies and it is not uncommon for students to take more than six years to complete a four-year degree (as reported in World Education News + Reviewes).
June 2015 Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Tangier, Morocco
June 2012 Post-graduate course in Physical and Chemical Sciences. Ibn Zohr hight-school, Ouazzane, Morocco.
2021 January – September
2021 January - September Internship activity at the laboratory of “Fungal Diseases” of the Department of Agricultural, Food and environment (Di3A), University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Research topic: Agricultural valorization of shrimp waste (Scientific leader: Prof. Santa Olga Cacciola)
Internship activity at the Department of Chemical Sciences (DSC), University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Research topic: Agricultural valorization of shrimp waste (Scientific leader: Prof. Nunzio Tuccitto)
2020 February - December Internship activity at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Products within the framework of ERASMUS. Research topic: Determination of astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters in three samples of shrimp waste (Pandalus borealis) by high performance liquid chromatography coupled photo-diode array and mass spectrometry detection (Scientific leaders: Prof. Luigi Mondello and Prof. Francesco Cacciola)
2018 March - July Internship activity at the laboratory of Materials and interfacial systems, Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan, Morocco. Research topic: Agricultural valorization of shrimp waste. Tutor: Prof. Abderrahmane Debdoubi
2015 April - June Internship of project at the end of studies on the theme of “purification of drinking water” in the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water of Tangier, Morocco
Mother tongue(s) Arabic
French Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
English Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Certification: Upper intermediate B2 certified by American Language Center of Tangier, Morocco
Italian Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A2 A2 A1 A1 A1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Spanish Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Certification: Beginning level A1 certified by Instituto Cervantes de Tetuàn.
• Classical and molecular methods for detection, isolation and identification of fungi and oomycetes from plant tissues, soil and water
• Preparation of agar media (V8-Agar, PARPNH-agar, Carrot juice agar, Malt-extract agar, Potato Dextrose Agar).
• Isolation procedures of fungi and oomycetes.
• Analysis under light microscopy of morphological structures of oomycetes (hyphas, sporangia, oogonia, antheridia, chlamydospores and hyphal swellings) and ascomycetes (hyphas, ascogonia, antheridia, asci, pycnidia, acervuli, conidiophores).
• RNA extraction.
• DNA extraction.
• PCR techniques.
• Agarose gel electrophoresis.
Inoculation methods of soil-borne plant pathogens for pathogenicity tests.
Additional Expertise
• Classical (gravimetric and volumetric analysis) and instrumental (Inductively coupled plasma Mass Spectroscopy - ICP-MS; Laser Ablation - Inductively coupled plasma Mass Spectroscopy - LA-ICP-MS; Atomic absorption spectroscopy; UV-VIS spectroscopy and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS); LC-(APCI)MS; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - FTIR; X Ray Fluorescence, X Ray Diffraction) methods for qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry.
• Organic synthesis
• Modeling and Optimization
• Computer simulation
• Experimental design
• Chemical analysis (Electrolysis, Maceration, Ultrasound Extraction, Extraction by Soxclet, Decoction, Density measurements, Gravity and viscosity measurements, pH determinations, Distillation, Filtration, Osmosis, Ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled photo-diode array and mass spectrometry detection)
Digital Competence SELF ASSESMENT
Information processing Communication Content Creation Safety Problem Solving
Proficient User Proficient User Proficient User Proficient User Proficient User
Digital competences - Self-assessment grid
Excellent command of Microsoft OS and Office suite (Excel, Word, Access, Power Point), MATLAB, Statgraphics plus, Nemrod, Aspen plus, HSC chemistry, OriginPro, Latex 2.5
Research topics My research is focused on the valorization of wastes and biomasses in environmental bioremediation; within this framework, a special focus is dedicated to the extraction of bioproducts (carotenoids, chitin, chitosan and other metabolites) and the the development of eco-friendly formulas for controlling plants pathogens and related diseases. Another topic of my research concerns the bioadsorption of pollutants from wastewaters by using wastes as suitable materials for the uptake. Additionally, I carried out experimentations with Super Absorbent polymers employed for controlling plant diseases.
Scientific publications and conference abstract 1. El Boumlasy,S.; Mangraviti, D.; Arena, K.; Cacciola,F.; Asraoui,F.; Debdoubi, A. Determination of astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters in three samples of shrimp waste (Parapenaeus longirostris) by high performance liquid chromatography coupled photo-diode array and mass spectrometry detection.
2. El boumlasy, S.; La Spada, F.; Pane, A.; Licciardello, A.; Debdoubi, A.; Tuccitto,N.; Cacciola, S.O. A super absorbent polymer containing copper to control Plenodomus tracheiphilus the causative agent of mal secco disease of lemon. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 8;13:987056. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.987056.
3. El boumlasy, S.; La Spada, F.; Tuccitto, N.; Marletta, G.; Mínguez, C.L.; Meca, G.; Rovetto, E.I.; Pane, A.; Debdoubi, A.; Cacciola, S.O. Inhibitory Activity of Shrimp Waste Extracts on Fungal and Oomycete Plant Pathogens. Plants 2021, 10, 2452. 10.3390/plants10112452.
4. La Spada, F., Riolo, M., Parlascino, R., Aloi, F., El boumlasy, S., Rovetto, E. I., Bua, C., Stracquadanio, C., Luz, C., Meca, G., Pane, A., Cacciola, S. O. Antifungal activity of Trichoderma-bioactive extracts for the in vitro and in vivo inhibition of mycotoxigenic fungi. In: book of abstracts of the XXVIII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), Naples, 18-20 September 2023, pag. 68. (Oral presentation).
5. Conti Taguali, S., El boumlasy, S., Bua, C., La Spada, F., Pane, A., Li Destri, M. G., Licciardello, A., Tuccitto, N., Cacciola, S. O. A new means of controlling lemon mal secco disease: SAP-Cu, a superabsorbent polymer for a slow, dose-reduced release of copper. In: book of abstracts of the XXVIII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), Naples, 18-20 September 2023, pag. 15. (Oral presentation).
6. El boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Riolo, M., Luz Mínguez, C., Conti Taguali, S., Aloi, F., Marletta, G., Pane,A., Debdoubi,A., Meca, G., Tuccitto, N., Cacciola, S. O. Exploiting shrimp shell extracts for the sustainable management of plant diseases. In: book of abstracts of the XXVIII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), Naples, 18-20 September 2023, pag. 129. (Poster presentation).
7. La Spada, F., El Boumlasy, S., Rovetto, E. I., Riolo, M., Meca, G., Tuccitto, N., Licciardello, A., Marletta, G., Coniglione, M., Torrisi, C., Pane, A., Cacciola, S. O. New eco-friendly antifungal products for managing plant pathogens in the citrus fruit supply chain. In: Proceedings of the Final Conference of the FEDKITO project, Towards circular economy in the agri-food sector: strategies and challenges. September 12th, 2023, Aula Magna of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE), Via del Borghetto, 80 - 56124 – Pisa, pag. 21. (Oral presentation).
8. Arslan, D., El Boumlasy, S., Tuccitto, N., Riolo, M., Karakeçili, A., Rovetto, E. I., Licciardello, A., Marletta, G., La Spada, F., Pane, A., Conti Taguali, S., Cacciola, S. O. Development of new technological solutions to extend the shelf life of citrus fruits. In: Proceedings of the Final Conference of the FEDKITO project, Towards circular economy in the agri-food sector: strategies and challenges. September 12th, 2023, Aula Magna of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE), Via del Borghetto, 80 - 56124 – Pisa, pag. 20. (Oral presentation).
9. El Boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Conti Taguali, S., Riolo, M., Pane, A., Licciardello, A., Debdoubia, B., Meca, G., Tuccitto, N., Cacciola, S. O. A super absorbent polymer containing copper for controlling Mal Secco disease of lemon. In: book of abstract of the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023, pagg. 914-915. (Poster presentation).
10. El Boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Tuccitto, N., Marletta G., Luz Mínguez, C., Meca, G., Rovetto, E. I., Pane, A., Debdoubi, A., Cacciola, S. O. Shrimp Waste Extracts: A Virtuous Example of Reuse of Wastes to Achieve the Sustainable Management of Past-Harvest Diseases. In: book of abstract of the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023, pagg. 886-887. (Poster presentation).
11. Conti Taguali, S., El boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Rovetto, E. I., Aloi, F., Bua, C., Riolo, M., Pane, A., Li Destri Nicosia, M. G., Cacciola, S. O. Shrimp Waste Extracts: A Promising Option for the Control of Fungal and Oomycete Plant Pathogens. In: AISSA #under 40 book of abstract. Fisciano, Italy, July 12-13, 2023, S5 OP5 (Oral presentation).
12. El boumlasy, S.; La Spada, F.; Rovetto, E.I.; Pane, A.; Riolo M.; Aloi, F.; Parlascino, R.; Franco, M.; Cacciola, S.O. A tomato-Trichoderma-Phytophthora model system for studying plant-microrganisms interactions. In: Abstracts of presentations at the XXVI Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV). Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 1087–1134 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-021-00942-x.
13. Rovetto, E.I.; La Spada, F.; El boumlasy, S.; Pane, A.; Aloi, F.; Riolo, M.; Cacciola, S.O. An effective low environmental impact strategy for controlling citrus green mould by a new natural biostimulant and reduced doses of Imazalil. In: Abstracts of presentations at the XXVI Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV). Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 1087–1134 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-021-00942-x.
14. Achache, M.; Bouchta,D.;Choukairi, M.; El boumlasy, S.; Oulad idriss, H. Développement d’un nouveau capteurs électrochimiques a base de la partie organique de déchets de crevette pour le dosage des substances d’intérêt pharmaceutique. 4 ème édition des Journées Pratiques Francophones des Sciences Analytiques. Du 02 au 03 juin 2022 à Marrakech, Maroc (poster présentation).
15. Achache, M.; Gharous, M. ; Choukairi, M.; Raissouni, I. ; Bounab, L. ; Janoub, F. ; Oulad Idriss, H. ; Draoui, K. ; El boumlasy, S. ; Chaouket, F. ; Bouchta, D. Elaboration d’un capteur électrochimique à base de carapace de crevette pour le dosage d’une substance d’intérêt pharmaceutique. 3rd International Congress of Process Engineering for Sustainable Development 2022 (ICPESD22). 29thJune 2022 (poster presentation).
Conferences Attended 1. El boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Riolo, M., Luz Mínguez, C., Conti Taguali, S., Aloi, F., Marletta, G., Pane,A., Debdoubi,A., Meca, G., Tuccitto, N., Cacciola, S. O. Exploiting shrimp shell extracts for the sustainable management of plant diseases. In: book of abstracts of the XXVIII Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), Naples, 18-20 September 2023, pag. 129. (Poster presentation).
2. El Boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Conti Taguali, S., Riolo, M., Pane, A., Licciardello, A., Debdoubi, A., Meca, G., Tuccitto, N., Cacciola, S. O. A super absorbent polymer containing copper for controlling Mal Secco disease of lemon. In: book of abstract of the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023, pagg. 914-915. (Poster presentation).
3. El Boumlasy, S., La Spada, F., Tuccitto, N., Marletta G., Luz Mínguez, C., Meca, G., Rovetto, E. I., Pane, A., Debdoubi, A., Cacciola, S. O. Shrimp Waste Extracts: A Virtuous Example of Reuse of Wastes to Achieve the Sustainable Management of Past-Harvest Diseases. In: book of abstract of the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023, pagg. 886-887. (Poster presentation).
4. Arslan, D., El Boumlasy, S., Tuccitto, N., Riolo, M., Karakeçili, A., Rovetto, E. I., Licciardello, A., Marletta, G., La Spada, F., Pane, A., Conti Taguali, S., Cacciola, S. O. Development of new technological solutions to extend the shelf life of citrus fruits. In: Proceedings of the Final Conference of the FEDKITO project, Towards circular economy in the agri-food sector: strategies and challenges. September 12th, 2023, Aula Magna of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE), Via del Borghetto, 80 - 56124 – Pisa, pag. 20. (Oral presentation).
5. El boumlasy, S.; La Spada, F.; Rovetto, E.I.; Pane, A.; Riolo M.; Aloi, F.; Parlascino, R.; Franco, M.; Cacciola, S.O. A tomato-Trichoderma-Phytophthora model system for studying plant-microrganisms interactions. 26° SIPaV Congress 2021. September 15-17 2021, virtual. (Abstract selected as oral presentation by Dr. El boumlasy).
6. Rovetto, E.I.; La Spada, F.; El boumlasy, S.; Pane, A.; Aloi, F.; Riolo, M.; Cacciola, S.O. An effective low environmental impact strategy for controlling citrus green mould by a new natural biostimulant and reduced doses of Imazalil. 26° SIPaV Congress 2021. September 15-17 2021, virtual (co-author of a presentation video-poster).
7. EL BOUMLASY S., DEBDOUBI A., EL AMARTI A., KHOLSI R. Valorisation agricole des déchets de crevettes. ERVD’6 Colloque International « Eau Recyclage et Valorisation des Déchets », 6ème édition, dédiée à la mémoire de feu Professeur Ahmed Iraqi 22 (15h) et 23 mars 2019, Université Privée de Fès, UPF (poster présentation).
Membership Italian Society of Plant Pathology (SIPaV)
Awards and
Financial Support Financial support by SIPaV (Italian Society of Plan Pathology) for the attendance of the XXVI Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV), September 15th-17th 2021, Verona (Italy) for the oral presentation of the work: S. El boumlasy, F. La Spada, E.I. Rovetto, A. Pane, M. Riolo , F. Aloi, R. Parlascino, M. Franco, S.O. Cacciola. A tomato-Trichoderma-Phytophthora model system for studying plant-microrganisms interactions.
The undersigned authorizes to handle her personal data within the meaning of Italian D. Lgs. 196/03
Catania, Italy, 21/10/2023 Soumia El boumlasy
DECLARATION – artt. 46 and 47 D.P.R. 28/12/2000, n. 445
The undersigned Soumia EL BOUMLASY born in OUAZZANE (Morocco) the 15/12/1994, resident in Catania (Italy), Via Caronda 446; Phone number: +393513826223, under own responsibility, aware that, in the event of false or misleading statements, will incur the criminal sanctions referred to in art. 76 of the D.P.R. n. 445 of 28/12/2000
The truthfulness of her own curriculum vitae.
Catania, Italy, 21/10/2023 Soumia El boumlasy
NRRP - Ministerial Decree n. 118/2023 - Inv. 4.1 Research NRRP - Research theme: Themes related to the following areas of interest of the NRRP: Green revolution and ecological transition