Rapporto del Riesame
Review Report
The Review, an integral part of Quality Assurance, is a periodic and scheduled process that aims to verify the adequacy of the learning objectives that the Course of Study (CdS) has established, the correspondence between the objectives and the results and the effectiveness of the way in which the Course is managed. The Review also includes the identification of the causes of any unsatisfactory results, in order to take all appropriate corrective actions and improvements.
The Review, whether annual or cyclical, is to be considered the true and appropriate moment of self-evaluation in which those responsible for the management of the CdS come to terms with their promises and their results, leaving a written record of them. The pair consisting of the AAF-CdS form for a given academic year and the Review Report drawn up at the end of the same academic year constitutes the annual documentation of self-evaluation (analysis of objectives/results). The set of these pairs for at least three consecutive years allows the external evaluators to ascertain the existence and the effective functioning of the Quality Assurance system of the Course of Study and the effectiveness of the actions taken to ensure it.
The Review of the Course of Study is conducted under the guidance of the MSc Coordinator who oversees the preparation of the Annual Review Report, and submits it to the Department Council, which assumes responsibility. A student representative participates in the Review process. The Review Report is composed of two documents (I and II), which, while having the same object, require a different perspective of analysis: the first document captures the CdS in the individual years of its system, while the second document embraces the entire educational project being referred to the entire path of a cohort of students.
As of 2018, the Review Report has been replaced by the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) of the CdS.
- Rapporto del Riesame Ciclico 2018
- Rapporto del Riesame Annuale e Ciclico 2016
- Rapporto del Riesame Annuale 2015
- Rapporto del Riesame Annuale 2014