Corsi / Syllabi : Ciclo 35 / 35th Cycle
- Advanced numerical methods of physics (Prof. G.G.N. Angilella)
- Advanced Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics (Dr. M. La Cognata)
- Advanced Topics in Quantum Physics (Prof. V. Branchina)
- An introduction to Python and its scientific use (Dr. A. Ingallinera)
- Applications of the Functional Renormalization Group in Field Theory (Dr. D. Zappalà)
- Basics of Neutrino Physics (Prof. V. Bellini)
- Charge transport and devices simulations (Dr. A. La Magna)
- Clusters in Atomic Nuclei (Dr. I. Lombardo)
- Cosmic Rays Physics Laboratory (Prof. F. Riggi)
- Direct Reactions with Heavy Ions (Prof. F. Cappuzzello, Dr. M. Colonna)
- Exactly solvable one dimensional quantum many particle systems (Prof. L. Amico)
- Exoplanets (Dr. I. Pagano)
- Experimental searches for Dark Matter (Dr. M. De Napoli)
- Experimental Methods in Astroparticle Physics (Prof.ssa R. Caruso)
- Experimental Setups for High Energy Physics (Prof. S. Albergo)
- Introduction to Medical Physics (Dr. P. Cirrone)
- Mathematica for Physicists: computational methods and tools (Prof. A. Ridolfo)
- Monte Carlo methods for particles transport (Dr. P. Cirrone)
- Monte Carlo Techniques (Dr. L. Pandola)
- Nuclear aspects of explosive Astrophysics and Multimessenger Astronomy (Prof. S. Cherubini)
- Optical design with Raytracing (Dr. M. Munari)
- Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars (Dr. F. Burgio)
- Quantum Technologies (Prof. G. Falci)
- Quark physics at Jefferson Lab and Electron Ion Collider future perspectives (Dr. C. Sutera)
- Scanning Probe Microscopies (Prof. F. Ruffino)
- Search of New Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Double Beta Decay (Prof. F. Cappuzzello)
- Selected topics in Quantum Technologies (Prof. Giuseppe Falci, Prof. G.G.N. Angilella)
- Star-Planet interactions in extrasolar systems (Dr. A.F. Lanza)
- Stellar Evolution (Dr. M. L. Pumo)
- Strong Interactions at Finite Temperature and Density (Prof. V. Greco)
- Sun - Earth Connection and Space Weather (Prof. F. Zuccarello)